Chapter 4-Free

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Time had passed. A week. A month. Primordials and gods were glad to see Percy seemed back to normal. They didn't look through the mask, basking in the feeling of ignorance. It truly is bliss. Meanwhile, Percy was becoming restless, more and more unwilling to rein himself in. Every single immortals essence looked appealing now, even his own adopted blood. His hunger was still manageable, but for how much longer, he didn't know. He thirsted for death and a chance to expend all his energy. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for him, a new threat was coming. 

Order was finally prepared, confident in her escape. Her only concern was being found by a powerful immortal when she broke free, before her recovery, but even at minimal power she'd be formidable and potentially able to match them. If she was particularly on point though, nobody would even notice she was free for some time. Channeling her energy, she delved into her reserves of power and focused it on the gap she viewed. With unmatched strength, she forced herself through, matter filling the hole in moments. It flew through layer after layer, the task becoming more and more daunting as time passed. The gap started to slowly shut on the essence of order, attempting to crush her or press her back down, but she fought hard, pushing back all that could've stopped her. Evidently, Chaos hadn't been prepared for the force that was used against them, unable to prevent her sister from slowly exiting her prison. Eventually, through a long period of fighting between the two super powerful beings, Order was free, with full access to Tartarus. Exhausted, yet constantly pumping out new ideas in her mind, she flashed herself as far from Chaos as she could, forming a human-like body, one that was rather natural to her. Every universe had some restrictions, and several of them forced her into a mortal form. This one was hardly any different. She laid down and rested, eyes closed, yet still moving beneath the lids. Even when she was on the verge of sleep, her mind was active. Constantly taking in new and old ideas. 

The being of the pit felt the power that was exuding not too long ago from the pit of Chaos, but out of fear, he avoided looking further. Any being associated with Chaos was probably out of his league. Likewise, Nyx felt the stirring presence, and avoided leaving her domain for some time, fear of getting caught in risky matters taking over, influencing her sense of self-preservation. The only issue was, she felt a similarly strong being nearby. Her adopted son, coming in to sleep for the first time in a while. Stuck between two potentially unfriendly immortals, all she could do was her best. Little did she know, Percy felt a certain being when he was in his sleep, and it had spoken to him. He would wake up a new man. With a new goal. 

His deep sleep hadn't gone unnoticed. Chaos, aware of what she had failed to do, reached out for any being that could make difference and help her to capture or get rid of Order. When she found Percy to be the only candidate who could be helpful, she invaded his dreams and used her power for some varying purposes, reforming him and changing his mindset ever so slightly. He became slightly more human again, and as he awoke, he felt the best he had in some time. He didn't remember his previous struggle he had been going through, but he was sure that he had something fixed within him. He felt a whole lot less aggressive, still dark, gloomy, and sadder then anyone else, but regardless, an improvement. When he fully arose, he noticed his aura was flaring unnaturally, the darkness having a few streaks of other dark colors within it. His power was stronger then he remembered, despite being not even at its peak. An evil grin found its way onto his face. This kind of strength he could work with. Power, power, more power. It made the world go round and round, and always it revolves around him. Once again he held the burden of being the focus of all on Earth. This time, however, he liked the power. The attention was irrelevant, but with his aura alone he could make his mother fall to her knees. Breathing in deeply, the shadows in the room crawled toward him, before stopping at his feet. He hid his aura, excited to test it on something more real and challenging then his imaginary competitors. Enjoy the gift hero. Tribulations are coming. A female voice spoke in his head. He tensed at first, before relaxing upon hearing the words, knowing they spoke truth. "Indeed, tribulations are coming." He whispered to himself. "But who is the real one who should be worried? I know for sure I'm not." With that thought, he shadow traveled away, to the mortal world. It was about time to satisfy his curiosity. Picking up the signs of a goddess close by, he turned, and, covering his face and wreathing his body in shadows, he sprinted. Hermes could only wish he had half the speed Percy could reach now. 

Order continued to rest, but soon enough, she'd awake, and all the world would face her. But Perseus was no weakling, and Chaos was more active than one would expect. Soon, it was time for one more battle to take place. 

Percy Jackson was more then up for it. 

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