Chapter 10-Order

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Order had been waiting long enough. Her manipulations didn't work. Percy had not been slain, or even challenged, by the being she had given a little extra energy to. Aether had been utterly useless. She had Nyx to thank for not allowing Percy to gain even more power. It was time for her to personally make her move. Before the boy got even more capable. She was sure he was still below her in terms of ability. Chaos would be present in person soon enough, and Percy must be gone first. Stepping out of her little temporary home, she flashed to the surface world, before sending out her whole aura. It seemed a little human nest had been made here. It wouldn't hurt to deal some damage. 

Percy sensed something was off in the world. Vibrating with excitement and energy, he traveled to New York, feeling like many souls were being taken. He was met with a shocking sight. 

The whole city seemed to be collapsing, segment by segment. Buildings crashing, large and small alike. His own families old apartment was a pile of bricks. This caused him to feel anger he hadn't experienced in a while. None could simply tear his former home down without a care. Approaching the center of the destruction, his eyes glowed pure red. It was time for a reckoning. 

Order felt the aura of an immortal approaching her. The pathetic Olympians had already come near, but with an effort they had been locked in their own thrones, stuck there until she was ready to deal with them. She turned to her smaller form, a size more fit to deal with the gnat that had been ruining her for the past few days. His reckoning had finally come. 

Perseus approached, not saying a word, but feeling the power radiating from this foreign being. It was amazing, near omnipotence, and he felt the urge to take it. Besides, she dared to ruin his domain and attack his beloved city, she would pay the price. As soon as he spied the person emanating such an aura, he didn't hesitate. A lethal smirk found its way onto his face, and his legs began to pump faster and faster, until he was nearly full sprinting at Order. He had no time to feel fear. All he had was a lust for vengeance. His aura grew the closer he got to her, the power of his blessing and domain feeding him for all the damage this ridiculous immortal had caused. He didn't care if he died, assuming it was possible. Percy vied for the death of his newfound enemy. 

Order didn't bother with words. She had her target in front of her, and she knew what she wanted. His demise made her success certain. And so, with an effort of will, a lance appeared in her hands, a pure black color that was composed of an indestructible alloy. It radiated pure energy, the strength to slay all beings well within her grasp. It looked to be much too heavy and large for her, but she was no fool. Her strength was nearly unparalelled. Standing, patiently waiting for the battle, Percy got closer and closer. Then, he was right in front of her. He lunged, Riptide flashing into his right hand, before Order reappeared behind him, moving fast as thought. His instincts just saved him, as he managed to shadow travel just out of the reach of what should've been a cumbersome weapon. He turned back toward his opponent to find she was already stabbing the sharp end at his exposed stomach. It made contact, drawing black and red mixed blood. Percy shadow traveled back, looking at his stomach in amazement. Someone had a weapon that had truly made him bleed. He looked back up, his expression becoming dangerous. Then, Order raised a hand, before slowly closing her fist. Percy almost doubled over in agony as he felt like his stomach was ripped to shreds, layer by layer. The pain suddenly eased, and he refocused on Order as she attacked once again. He attempted to appear behind her and stab downwards, but as soon as he did he was smacked several feet back, rolling into debris on the ground nearby. A dark bruise marred his skin, not disappearing in the slightest. He slowly stood, a hand on his chest. When he pulled it away, it was coated in his own blood. 

Something ticked inside of him. 

His eyes sharpening, Percy touched the liquid to his lips, tasting what had been torn from him. A scowl took his expression, deepening as a few moments passed. Order waited to see what was happening with her opponent who was clearly outmatched. 

Percy's eyes turned black. A shade darker than the shadows themselves. If you looked closely, you could see the screams of the dead and almost feel their agony. It was a petrifying gaze. 

His eyes trained themselves onto Order, who reacted by cocking her head curiously. This was new. 

Perseus started to march forward, the sword he had dropped forming into his hand as soon as it opened. He closed the distance from himself to Order, slowly. Without warning, he vanished. Order did a small circle, braced for anything. However, when she saw nothing, she assumed he had fled. Closing her eyes and channeling her essence, she hunted for the person she had to finish off. Then, a pain spread through her back. Looking down, a sword protruded from her abdomen, the point honed to a fine edge. Her eyes threatened to roll back in her skull, but she refused to let unconsciousness claim her yet. Snapping her fingers, the world elongated before she reappeared in what was her temporary home. Looking down, the blade inside of her faded into shadow and dissolved, presumably returning to its master. Order had golden ichor running down her body, and she lay down, lacking the energy to move. Her own blood pooled around her. 

Similarly, Percy sat in his room in the Mansion of Night. His wounds refused to heal fully, the bruises not fading, the puncture only partially closing. He didn't ask for help; he had failed himself. Feeling like his life may be much shorter than he had expected, he curled up into a ball and slept, not confident he would wake back up. 

There was no clear victory yet. Only defeat for both parties. 

But the duel was only delayed, not prevented. 

AN: Two updates to this story in a row? Crazy! Couldn't help it guys, this just felt so natural to write! Hopefully this chapter was satisfactory. I will update my other fanfic as soon as I can, don't worry! I don't plan to neglect either of these! Thank you for reading as always, criticism is appreciated. 

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