Chapter 8-Light Fights Death

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Percy strolled through the mansion of his mother, feeling satisfaction at the way people cringed away from him. Gods couldn't bring themselves to endure his aura. It was like surrounding him was a wave, one which pushed back and forth at will, growing and shrinking. It physically pushed lesser beings aside. 

Deciding he'd torture poor souls later, Perseus flashed onto the surface world, in a forest. He had gotten over the feeling of loss and longing that had plagued him not long ago. Nemesis had filled a gap inside of him, not by getting rid of his need for revenge, but by balancing it. He didn't bother to think deeper. It didn't matter how it worked, what mattered is that it was effective. Beginning his stroll through the forest, a presence made him pause. Something was wrong. He could sense the power emanating from whatever was near him, and it was more than most things he had sensed recently. In fact, it surpassed an Olympian. Running to the danger, a smile began to form on his face. Hyperion, his favorite former tree, stood in the small clearing, shining bright. He seemed to have sensed Percy, as the titan turned and faced him, his eyes brightening even more. A scowl graced his expression, causing Percy's smile to grow larger. "Hello, idiot. You seem to keep reforming faster and faster. I suppose I should send you back down to hell again." Hyperion was angered by this former demigod's sass. He readied his blade, a sword Percy recognized as pure imperial gold. He had never recognized it before. Now, he understood its lethality. But it was far from comparing to himself. 

"You have done enough little demigod. I see you have grown in power. On the bright side, I am finally fully formed. Prepare for your death." With that, he charged, at a pace that would've shocked Percy years ago. Now however, he simply laughed. Vanishing into shadow and appearing behind Hyperion, he watched the titan stop his sprint. He looked around confused, before noticing Percy had appeared where he'd just ran from. His face turned to one of bewilderment. Perseus was almost doubled over from how hard he was laughing. "Oh-oh, you pathetic titan. You really think I'm still a demigod?" At this Hyperion glared. "So what if you're some minor god now. Teleportation will not stop you from dying along with your friends." Percy just laughed harder, cackling, his voice turning hysterical. He seemed to be losing his breath. "Ah, um, yes, minor god. Sure. Let's go with that." He said when he finally caught himself. Suddenly, shadows encircled them, making everything darken. Hyperion attempted to use his fire powers, only to find them dampened. He felt so weak. Just as quickly as it appeared, the cover of shadows vanished, revealing Percy staring at Hyperion's figure, his eyes shining with power. "I am no minor god. Nor am I a major one. I am simply a reaper. The Deathbringer." He smiled. "And now, you shall get what is coming to you." With that, he walked slowly forward, as Hyperion snapped out of his surprise. The titan started to glow golden, his form shimmering. He unveiled his true self. However, when he looked at Percy, expecting him to be disintegrating, he simply saw the boy keep walking, staring straight at him, as if he wasn't wreathed in fire as bright as the sun itself. Percy sped up, and as Hyperion swung his sword at him, Percy easily sidestepped and punched the immortal, not bothering to use Riptide. Hyperion went flying backward, landing with his back to a tree, dazed and shocked. Before he could try to stand again, he felt a force bearing down on him, something comparable to a primordial at the least. He didn't expect Percy to casually walk up to him, unaffected, his eyes flashing a dark red and black color. Stuck in his spot, Hyperion managed to growl out a few words. "What... are you?" This caused Percy's eyes to shift to a pure red color, his irises totally vanishing. "I told you. I am the Deathbringer. And you... you are just dead." On that note, Percy used his aura to lift Hyperion into the air, before he began slowly ripping him apart. Just as the Titan of the East began to scream, he was pressed into the ground, involuntarily being pushed deep into the earth, his body digging a trench. His true form broke down. Bloodied and coated with dirt, he was raised from the ground. When he was out of the hole he made, he was met with his own blade buried in his gut. He let out one last cry of agony, before turning to dust. 

Percy looked at where the titan was with disappointment. His plaything was gone so soon. Not even a challenging fight. Realizing he had been distracted for a while, he channeled his power. A large amount of death was happening at both demigod camps, something that surprised him. He shadow traveled to one, only to find himself in a clear meadow, the sun down. He looked around in wonder, knowing this was not where he had tried to go. Something was wrong. Just as soon as he had this thought, he felt immense pressure burrowing into his mind. Taken aback, he viciously shoved whatever being had immersed itself within him out of his head. Drawing his blade, realizing he was carrying Hyperion's own sword in his other hand, he stood a fighting stance. A primordial then phased into existence, one he didn't know. He stared at it, waiting for it to speak. When it did, he was amazed. 

"Hello pesky creature. I am Aether, primordial of light. You seem to be a risk to my domain. So I figured I'd swat this fly before it annoys me too much. What is your name, so I can know who I slay?" Percy opened his mouth to respond, annoyance written on his countenance. Before he could say anything though, the god had flashed in front of him, eyes filled with yellow light. Aether slashed, expecting his blade to slice through the boy. However, when his sword met another, he was amazed. None had ever deflected a swing of his. Light was simply too quick. He flashed backwards when his opponent attempted to retaliate, not allowing himself to be hit. Unleashing his full aura, he tried to crush the boy. When he was deflected, his jaw dropped. The kid had power comparable to his own. 

A battle began, primordial of light versus death itself. 

Aether refused to have his first ever defeat. 

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