Chapter 11-To Start Anew

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Percy woke up, his eyes dim. They swirled with power, but flares of pain caused him to bow his head involuntarily. Looking around, he noticed a certain goddess of his own. Nemesis stood at the side of his bed, looking down at his torn clothing, and bleeding wounds. She had a look of impatience on her face, like she knew he would awake eventually and had been waiting for a long time. Seeing his small movements, she stepped closer to him, before laying on the bed to his side. Her irises were trained on his face, and he tried to maintain eye contact as best he could. She was unblinking for a while, but he didn't feel awkward in the slightest. It was like he had lost all emotion. Save for an unrecognizable one. 

Eventually she leaned in and kissed him. He responded as if he wasn't still bleeding, grabbing her and pulling the goddess against him. It seemed she didn't care. They stayed that way for a long time. Eventually, Nemesis whispered a few words and his wounds seemed to seal themselves, and she pulled away slightly. Her gaze said it all. Percy had messed up. 


Order awoke, her body fully healed. She had expected no less, but in spite of the missing injuries, she still felt pain. Victory was in her grasp. Yet she had waited, curiosity taking over, allowing herself to be matched through some trickery. The boy had grown in power so suddenly. He had no motivation in his existence except that pesky goddess who didn't even help him much. Yet it had been enough. Gods forbid he get any better. She had to try again though. If he became any stronger, he could comfortably surpass herself. As it was, he was on a level beyond what she had expected. If she hadn't practically delivered Aether's energy to him, it would've been so much easier. If that boy risked going to Tartarus, he would probably be strong enough to be considered omnipotent. It was time to take another risk, the future was too unpredictable. This world must be hers. Chaos would form soon at this rate. Order stood herself up, hunching over slightly in agony. She thought for a second, before laying back down. She'd give herself one extra day. Then, Percy would experience death. She refused to have it any other way. At her peak, she would shred him to pieces. 

Percy shadow traveled to the surface, flashbacks to the fight running through his mind. He had yet to sense that presence again, but he knew it would be back. His sword had dealt non-lethal damage. He closed his eyes and extended his aura, more memories running through his mind. One of the morning stuck with him. Himself and Nemesis. What had happened then. He hardly regretted the interaction. 

Percy decided he would do something he hadn't in a long, long time. He would visit the two camps. Not to talk, not to help. Purely to see what changed. To see the affect his disappearance had, if any. A chance to see just how much the world adjusted without him. Running as fast as he could, he found himself at Camp Jupiter in no time. He grinned darkly, seeing little if anything had changed. He saw a few new temples, courtesy of Jason, presumably. At least someone stuck to their word. Noticing that war games were going on, he walked closer to them. He wished to observe. He passed Lares on the way, all of which saw him, before vanishing in fear. His smile was still painted on his face. On the way, Percy saw a memorial. Reading the name it was dedicated to, he laughed quietly. A memorial for himself. What a pathetic way to atone for their actions. 

Reaching the outside of the battlefield the cohorts were on, he was amused to see it was the same game he had first played. The first and second cohorts were on the ground this time with the elephant, miserably failing to get through the walls. A pegasus flew over the field, a rider he recognized upon its back. It seems Scipio had been replaced in a way. Reyna looked hardly any different. She felt more powerful than he remembered. Good for her. Frank was missing, but Percy could care less. Suddenly, the pegasus banked towards him. The praetor had noticed him. He was already prepared for her to do so, thus he waited, not caring if she thought she was threatening. Eventually, she spoke, when she was within a dozen feet of him. She never landed. "Who are you, I don't recognize you from anywhere?" She said cautiously, clearly worried she was speaking to a powerful being. Indeed she was. Percy simply laughed in answer, before looking her directly in the eyes. He could see her confusion replaced by annoyance, then shock and guilt. She opened her mouth to say something, but he had no interest in hearing what she planned to say. "Stop right there. I don't care what you want to say, yes I died, no I am not back, and yes you could have done more." She seemed to recoil physically from what he said, before she turned pleading. The great Roman praetor, daughter of Bellona, with a pleading expression. Oh how people change from realizing their faults. "You don't understand-" Percy cut her off right there. Nothing was more annoying than being told you don't understand something. "I understand everything you think I can't and more." He said nothing else. Reyna just looked at him with wide eyes, before turning and whistling. The entire legion stopped for a moment, and Percy heard footsteps from behind himself. Ah, there's the missing praetor. He didn't bother turning. Only watched as the legion seemed to be curious as to what happened. By unspoken agreement, they seemed to part, allowing a girl to run towards the now trio of people. Percy sighed. Of course Hazel represents the Romans. He didn't bother waiting. Instead he turned to Frank, ready to see the alarm and emotion on his face. He was greeted with exactly what he had been prepared for. How predictable demigods are. Almost as much as the Olympians themselves. He didn't give Frank a chance to speak. "Yes, I am alive, in a way. I know you are sorry, and I don't care. Feel free to tell Hazel the same when she gets here. See you all at death's door." He then slowly shadow traveled away, so he could see their expressions change as he faded. 

When he solidified again, he was at Camp Half-Blood. 

Time to spread more mental anguish. 

AN: Thank you all for reading, we have finally surpassed 500 views on this story! This chapter felt kinda off to me, please let me know if you think this was an okay one. There will probably be two or three more chapters to go. I have another story prepared after this one ends, so don't worry, there is much more for me to release. Have a good day all of you. 

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