Chapter 5-Power

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The silver huntresses relaxed after a recent hunt that was rather successful. No injuries were sustained, and their camp was in a beautiful place, overlooking cliffs. However, they all seemed to get a chill down their backs, even those in the tents. The goddess present stood, her eyes narrowing. She felt something unnatural, like a being was watching them. Nothing could stalk the huntresses and beat them at their own game however, so after a quick sweep of the area, she relaxed mostly. Surely nothing was wrong. However, when a laugh was heard, she spun around, knives quickly appearing in her hand. She took a stance, ready to charge in the direction of the noise. However, when she felt the aura of whatever being was near her, she involuntarily hit the ground. The power was incomprehensible, bringing her to her knees from a solid distance away. Artemis was frozen in place, sweat falling rapidly, her huntresses much the same. Just as quickly as it began though, the torture ended, the person reigning themselves in. 

Artemis trembled as she stood. No god or immortal being had brought her to her knees before with such ease. She may as well have been holding the sky for millennia with how much weight seemed to press her down. "Who-what are you?" She croaked, voice failing her. "Ah, you don't recognize my voice, that's such a shame. Here, allow me to reveal myself to you." A taunting person answered, giggling at her slow recovery. Percy walked out into the open, fully covered, scythe in hand. They all tensed at the sight of him, but aware of how they had all just been impaired, didn't dare to move. "You... how do you have this much power?" The patron goddess questioned, her throat now starting to hurt. "Oh yes, the power. Hmm. Perhaps some blessing. Maybe combined with my training and innate excess power unlocked something extra. I suppose we'll never know. But it is rather gratifying." He smirked. "The ability to bring those who wish to cause harm to the ground without trying is rather amazing. Leaves a lot of potential for those who I torture in the future. You made a fine test subject Lady Artemis." His words sparked anger in those present, but they could do little to fight against him when they were still recovering. Not that them being fully recovered would make a difference. Finally, Artemis seemed to find her voice. "Who are you to come in here, make an Olympian goddess the subject of your test, then act as if this is nothing? Why should I not turn you into a furry creature?" She asked these questions in a demanding tone, awaiting a response impatiently. "Now that's the Olympian ego I'm used to. You're better than most, Artemis, but far from perfect. You could try to change me, but I doubt it would go like you hope. As for who I am... you should recognize my voice somewhat, but I guess you aren't used to this tone so much as others. Allow me to introduce myself." With that, he pulled his hood off, unveiling eyes as black as night, dark features, and some occasional red splotches. The hunters just stared in confusion. "I am the reaper of life. Blessed by Thanatos. My proper name? You can call me Perseus Jackson." On those words, all Hades broke loose. Artemis' eyes flashed and narrowed into slits. Thalia developed a look of fury, launching a bolt of lightning at Percy, knocking him back a few steps. The rest of the hunters either charged or got rooted in place, recognizing the name. As soon as Percy recovered, which was inhumanly quick, he unleashed his aura, physically moving the group away from him several yards, and pressing Artemis into the ground harder then before, forcing her partway through the earth's crust, her body making a human sized ravine. Everyone was paralyzed again. He felt an urge go through him to run like a rabbit, an image of massive ears and horns appearing on his head passing through his mind. Shrugging away the inclination, he remained firm to being the demon he was. "I told you Lady Artemis, I don't think you should've tried that. But yes, I am Perseus. You left me to die, slowly wilting and drying up, cutting myself and bleeding daily. Avoiding food like the plague. Thanatos came and saved me, but also killed me in the process. You all could've helped me. Instead, you prioritized anything but friends and family. Typical of Greeks. The Romans I can't blame, they had no idea of the circumstances. But you, Artemis and Thalia. You had every chance to assist in my depression. Look where it brought me now. I do so much for everyone just to be cursed with immortality. If I'm lucky I'll be slain somehow. But for now I remain. I serve the world. I inflict punishment on those who deserve it, and quite enjoy it. But I'm not who I was once. My appearance signifies that well enough. No, I am a living shell. You left me to become this." By the end of his rant, Thalia looked like she was going to start crying. Artemis had the dignity to look ashamed, her expression showing regret. They only knew a taste of what had happened to Percy, but it was enough to break them down. The greatest heroes rarely get happy endings, but he should have been an exception. Instead, one glance will tell you where it all went wrong. 

Finally, Percy sighed. This was a fruitless argument, one which brought him some relief but had no real effect save for peace of mind. "I suppose I'll be leaving now. Remember what I told you, hunters. You could've done more." He sank into the shadows, hearing a voice yell his name before he vanished entirely. It was time to reap mortals. He needed to release his anger somehow. His aura was a blood red color pulsing with energy, abnormal from the typical shade. Mortals cowered in their homes everywhere within a mile, physically unable to manage his harsh aura. 

Whilst this happened, Order awoke fully, recharged enough. It was time to exact revenge and remake the world. Nobody could stop her now. 

Percy wouldn't agree. 

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