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*Quote of the day*

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill


At the office

It's been 2 days since Amelia spent time with Locus.

"Good morning," Charlotte said when she saw him walking in.

"Morning" he replied as he walked straight to his room before he opened the door he turned around to look for Amelia but saw her office empty.

"is Amelia here?" he asked Charlotte.

"No sir, she hasn't shown up yet" she replied Locus nodded his head and went in. He placed his staff on the table and dialled Amelia's phone number. It kept rings but there was no answer. Then he remembered that Amelia had her friend's phone number in her contract number, so he dialled Emily's phone number.

"Hello," he heard a female voice after the 3rd ring.

"Hi, is Amelia with you?" he asked straight away.

"Who is this?" Emily Asked.

"I'm Locus," he paused "her boss."

"Oh, no she isn't. I thought she's with you, she hasn't come home since the day she was with you," she said worriedly in her voice.

"What?" he said, yelling.

"she isn't." she fired back.

"No, she came home like 2 days ago, are you sure? check her room maybe she came and you didn't notice?" he said shouting.

"I would have known if she came," she replied.

"Okay if she comes home let me know, I will look for her."

"Okay "she responded.

After he hung up the phone he got up when he heard his phone he ran as fast as he could thinking it was Amelia or Emily will tell him that she's back. But it was Sam who asked him to come home immediately, he asked what was going on but Sam refused to tell him he told him to just come home without asking anything. He asked him to come to their usual place where they have a house in a beautiful place in the woods.

Locus took his jacket and toward the door, he informed Charlotte that he will be leaving and not sure when he's coming back, he drove toward the house it took about 40 minutes until he reached there. He saw the boys standing outside as he parked the car right in front of them. When he walked toward he saw Sam and John's hands all blood.

"What happened to you, are you hurt?" he asked.

"It's not's her?" Locus stood there confused and pushed them away from the door when he got inside he saw it was her. No, it's not true I must imagine. I went and kneeled beside him. Not being able to hold me.

"Is this a joke?" he asked John right when he saw him kneeling beside him, John shook his head. Locus couldn't control himself as he began shading tears. He got up and he checked the bite. It was really bad.

"Who did this?" Locus yelled, getting up touching every single thing that came in front of him.

" We just smelled the blood then we went and traced where it came from we saw her on the ground covered with blood, James smelled someone far away and tried to run after him but he couldn't see who he was" John explained while tears were running down his face. They tried to hold Locus but they couldn't since he had already turned into a vampire. When he turns, no one can hold him.

"How long has it been?" Locus asked breathlessly.

"An hour and a half ago."Locus snapped his head toward him. He went toward him, grabbed him by the culler and punched him right in the face. "You son of bitch she has been bitten an hour and a half and you haven't done anything to save her?" Locus yelled.

"She has 10 more minutes if she" before Sam could finish his sentence Locus yelled at him to shut the fuck up. Mason and Tony looked at each other and they couldn't do anything to control Locus' anger.

"One of us has to do Locus." John snapped at him. Locus glared at John with angry eyes "we have to do it or she will die" John screamed at Locus punching him.

Locus jumped away and punched John, knocking him to the ground. He immediately sat on top of him and continued beating him. Sam and the boys tried pulling him away, but they couldn't control him. Blood was all over John's mouth. When Locus discovered what he was doing, he collapsed to the ground and began screaming.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry" Locus kept saying and tried to cover his mouth with his hand when he noticed his hand was covered with John blood. He pulled his hair in frustration. Sam sat John up "I know it's hard," John begin" but you have to help her or I will." Locus focused on John then Looked at Sam as they agreed with John "we're running out of time Locus you have 10 seconds to decide or I'll do it, we're not losing her again." John snapped.

He kept pulling his hair with his hand he immediately got up and went to Amelia's side he took her hand that has been bitten, he pulled it toward him both to suck on the blood but he was afraid that he won't be able to stop and that can cause Amelia to turn into one of them or....or she could die.

"I can't," he yelled. John came from his side as he pushed him causing Locus to fall back then he took a deep breath and started sucking on her hand. "If you don't bite her she won't get up," John informed Locus. Locus nodded his head and moved right up to her. He took her hands as he bit her tears running down his face. Whoever bites her will become her alpha. So John asked me to bite her so I can become her alpha.

After 2 weeks

Amelia slowly started opening her eyes. She saw Locus laying down beside her as he rested his head on his arms. When Tony noticed zAmelia slowly opening her eyes he immediately rushed toward her, sitting right beside her. Locus snapped his eyes open and got up sitting beside her.

"Baby are you okay?" he said.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You-you were bitten," he said as he lowered his eyes from hers. She moved her eyes toward the boys, she noticed Sam and Tony were crying. She was confused and she couldn't remember what happened.

"What do you mean bitten?" she said while tired sitting up, but Locus held him and he laid her back down. She asked how long she had been like this. Locus told her she'd been down 2 weeks ago. He asked if she remembered anything and how did she know about his place.

She said that she couldn't remember anything all she remembers was walking home after she left his place." why the fuck you left my place without informing me?" he yelled.

She told him that she wanted to go walking and that she would have called him as soon as she got home.

"Please think," Locus pleaded. Amelia tried to think when suddenly she yelled when her hand that had been bitten burned. Locus asked her to calm down. When she did the burn was gone.

"I - I was walking back after I left your place when someone covered my mouth and put me in the car, that's all I could remember," she said, tears filling her eyes.

"Hey- hey it's okay," he said as he placed a kiss on her forehead. Then the Mason told Locus that Amelia needs to feed. Locus nodded his head and looked back at Amelia. He asked him how John told him that he was fine. He went to look around just in case anyone was following us. Locus felt bad for what he did to him but he couldn't control himself.

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