Amazing Night

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Locus Pov

We still didn't have any information from the boys. They still haven't caught her but they are still after her. I called the boys and asked them to check at the original place. Sam told me that they have sent Mason and James but she wasn't and even if she was the original won't give her to us since she was one of them. And probably everything she did was a plan with them. I told him what made him sure that she wasn't planning with them he told me...he told me that they heard them talking. Sam has the ability to hear far away but only man's thinking. He told me that he heard them saying that Eloise wasn't my daughter.

So that means they killed daughter she's dead. It broke my heart to hear that I have lost my daughter as well. I fell on the floor as I began to sob. I yelled out of anger and sadness that she lied the biggest lie. Once Amelia probably heard me yelling she rushed to me and asked me what happened but I wasn't able to say anything to her. I couldn't even open my mouth. She asked me what's wrong and when I didn't answer her she took the phone from my hand and asked Sam. tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes as she stared at me.

She hung up the phone as she hugged me, which is what I really needed at that time. She held me in her arms as I held her in mine. She whipped the tears from my eyes. As she gave me a warm smile telling me everything is going to be okay. She moved me up to our bedroom as she laid me on the bed, she told me that I should rest for a while. And I did as soon as my head hit the pillow my eyes closed.

I had a dream that I saw Julia and a baby. My heart skipped a beat, she was gorgeous as always. She was holding the baby in her hands as she kept walking toward me when she reached the edge of the bed she stopped. She showed me the baby's face and it was the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. Pale skin, brown little soft hair, her eyes were golden brown. The smile she had on her baby was the cutest.

Then Julia started talking. I wasn't able to understand anything she was saying as if she was talking in a different language. Then her luggage changed and she started speaking English she said that she and the baby are in a very good place. She was happy where she was as long as the baby. She said that I should move on from my past and live my life now. She's not with me but she's always watching him. I should be happy to have a family with the girl I love that has a baby who's gonna change my life.. Then she left. I got up from the bed as I followed where she was walking but I couldn't see well. She walked, then she disappeared. I stopped at my place as I looked around.

Just like that I woke up sweat filled my forehead. Amelia's worried face and she stared at me. She handed me a cup of water as I gulped it down. My heart calmed down then I laid back in bed. I whipped the sweat as Amelia moved closer to me. Before she would ask me what happened I begin telling her everything she has told me in my dreams. When I told her about the baby Amelia's expiration, when I finished telling her she kissed my forehead asked me to go back to sleep as she left the room.

Next day


Amelia was feeling tired. She keeps sleeping most of the day and eats whatever she finds in front of her. She's leaning slowly to eat normal human food and act one of them. I'm really proud of how she's overcoming this. What I did to her yesterday was very rude to me even if I wasn't myself. I'm trying to think of something to make it up for her.

After leaving the room yesterday made me worry about her. She was not telling me what was going on with her. She stayed with Emily most of her non-sleeping days. She spends hours with her. It's not that I'm jealous but she's making me worried about the way she was acting.

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