First dance

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*Quote of the day*

Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about. -Marilyn Monroe


As he drove I still remembered his house. When we reached his house the "driver" ran to my side as he opened the door for me he said Locus is waiting for me inside. I nodded and went toward the door. I rang the bell and waited. Butterflies filled my smooch when I saw Locus open the door.

"Come in," he said as he stepped away.

When I entered, Locus asked me if I wanted a drink and I shook my head. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked

"I need a favour," he said. Does Locus need a favour from me? What? I stared at him waiting for him to continue. "Today we have a family party and...and I want you to come with me as my finance," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I want you to come with me to my family party as my finances."

"Why me?"

"I..they asked me if I have someone in my life which I don't" his words were like a knife to my heart.

"I said yes but I don't know who to take. I don't want to take any girl with me so I wanted you to come with me."

"Why should I agree to come with you? What would I get in it? I asked.


I looked at him and thought about it. I do need answers to what is happening to my life." "I even have an answer to your family accident" just like that my heart pumped harder than ever my body began to shake. Why would he know about my family accident? It was a car accident on the highway when a drunk crazy driver stabbed them.

"What do you know about my family's accident and how do you know about them?" I asked with tears dripping down my face, "I know what happened to them, I told you if you needed to answer you're coming with me." I agreed to go with him just so I can find the answers that are rounding in my mind.

Locus went to the kitchen after a minute he came back with two glasses of wine and sat them on the table. He told me that everything that I wanted is in the same room that he showered me last time. I drink half my wine. He told me that we have to leave at 6 which gives me 2 hours to get ready. He told me whenever I'm ready I can go to the room and get ready.

I went upstairs and went straight to the same room. When I opened it I saw whatever a girl wanted on the bed, makeup bags, perfumes, hair curly, straightener, and blow dryer. Even boxes of shoes. When I walked toward the bed I saw a big box which I guess was the dress I placed my hand on, but I stepped back to check it when it was time for me to wear it.

Good thing I took shower before I came. I took the curler and makeup bag and went to the bathroom mirror. I applied natural makeup but also party makeup. I never attend parties. Emily's family used to go a lot but I always rather stay home. I finished applying makeup and started on my hair. I decided to curly it and make a style out of it. When I finished it I went outside.

I walked toward the bed and took the lead of the box off. My eyes widened when I saw the dress. It was a long red silk dress. I took it out and put it on when I finished. I looked at myself when I saw there was a long mirror at the side of the room. I took my phone from my purse and decided to call Emily. When she picked It up I told her everything that happened. She asked me to send a picture of myself. I took a picture of myself and sent it to her. She commented that I looked so beautiful. When I finished I checked the time it was 6:22 PM.

I spread perfume which smells the same as I have but of course, this looks more expensive. It smells Caramel vanilla. I decided to go down. Locus was waiting at the end of the stairs when he left his head when he heard my heels knock on the floor. His eyes started shining. I was scared that I was going to fall from my nervousness.

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