chapter 7.

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"Turn it up," Alex said as she pulled off

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"Turn it up," Alex said as she pulled off.
Alex is smart and calculating just like her sister but when it comes to racing she just knows when to give in and when to slow down.

Right now they were in the back while their reckless brothers were zig zagging through the empty road trying to get ahead of each other.

After a few minutes, Alex picked up the speed and started to pass Gianni's and Giovanni's car and Alessa blew a kiss at them.

She soon came upon Alessio and Alessandro's car. Behind her, she saw Gianni gaining on her so she hit the breaks and came to a screeching halt and then reversed the car to where she was driving in reverse and on the wrong side of the road at that. Reckless was the type of driver she was.

The more reckless the more fun. She soon passed Gianni and Gio again who slowed down as they saw their younger sister driving like a maniac. Then they passed Alessio and Alessandro who had shocked expressions on their face.

While passing by them Alessa stuck her tongue out at them while dancing to the music. Finally, they caught up to Antonio and Anthonie's car and were still driving in reverse. She switched lanes so they were in front of the boy's car but had just enough space so she could do u-turn and speed off.

Both Alex and Alessa flicked them off while laughing and then sped up so that they had enough room to make a u-turn and then sped off to the restaurant leaving their brothers in the dust but not too far behind while jamming out.

Antonio De'Luca
"This should be interesting, "Anthonie said as we got into the car and drove down the long driveway to the gate alerting the guards to open it up.

"Oh calm your tits they probably don't know how to race," I said reassuring him.

Oh, boy was I wrong.

"Holy mother of God, " Anthonie said as he looked in the rearview mirror.

"What," I asked alarmed and soon my question was answered as soon as Alex pulled in front of us while driving in reverse.

What kind of insane person is she? I mean I have no room to talk because I'm a psychopathic killer in charge of the largest mafia organization in the world but these girls are fucking insane.

"What the fuck"I said as they flipped us off and then sped up and did u-turn driving off leaving us behind them.

"Oh CaLm YoUr TiTs he said, "Anthonie said mimicking my earlier comments." tHeY pRoBaBlY dOnT kNoW hOw To RaCe he said "anthonie continued repeating my earlier phrase.

"How the hell was I supposed to know that they are just as crazy as us "I asked in an irritated tone.

"Are you fucking stupid ?"Anthonie asked as he whipped his head towards me ." They are fucking De'Luca's, of course, they're crazy . Who knows they may be even more psychopathic than all of us combined." he said while laughing.

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