chapter 37.

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Alessandra and Alexandria
You know the saying nothing good lasts forever. Well, we got a little taste of that phrase today.

Present Time:

"What the fuck happened "Antonio yelled as the four families sat in De'Luca's meeting room.

"I don't know but we have to get him back. We need a plan and fast I can't ... I can't lose him"Alex yelled as angry tears ran down her face.

"One second we're all together and then the next second shit hit the fan and bullets started flying. H-he gave himself up to them "Gianni said as he held a crying Alex in his arms.

"He saved Tessa" Sienna whispered from her seat."We have to get him back," she said.

Hold on. We're getting a little bit ahead of ourselves. Let's take it back ...saaayy 15 hours.

15 hours earlier:

"Ugghhh I hate Mondays," Gianni complained as he walked into the kitchen.
"Awww suck it up, you big baby, "Alessa said passing him the milk for the cereal. The three oldest were away on a business trip and wouldn't be back till later today.

"Alright chop-chop time to gooo, "Alessandro said as he grabbed the keys.

"Wait up, "Gianni said shoving a few more spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth.

Everything was going well until lunchtime came around. We were all sitting at the table laughing and talking until gunshots were heard and people started screaming and running. Alessandro, Gianni, and Gio came running over and pulled us all to the nearest janitor's closet.

"What the fuck is going on"Tessa whisper shouted."We're under attack, "Gianni said as he was on the phone with Antonio.

"What the fuck are you doing"Alex asked Alessandro who was moving shelves out of the way.

"In case of attacks at school, we have weapons hidden all over the school."He said punching in a code and then the wall slide away revealing tons of guns.

"Here," He said handing everyone guns.
"How do I use this thing "Tessa said.
"Just point and shoot babe, "Sienna said looking out of the door making sure it was all clear ."Let's go, "she said and we all ran out of the closet.

"Shit there's too many of them"Gio yelled as he got a clean shot right in the middle of someone's forehead.

"Just keep...Fighting "Alex said as she drops kicked someone and snapped his arm and shot the other one.

Gio was right there were far too many of them to fight.

"What the fuck do we do now "Alessa asked.

"Hand over one of the heirs to the four families, "A man with forest green eyes and dark hair said. He had a creepy smile that the twins wanted to smack right off of his face.

"Why the fuck would we do that "Vadim asked
"Because it's either hand one over or your all going to die today. That's much quicker than I planned but it would be very beneficial "He said.

"I have an idea ."Alex said ." how about you turn the fuck around and go back to sucking whoever's cock you were sucking and maybe fuck yourself in the ass with a sharp pole "She said flicking him off.

"My the mouth on this one, "He said laughing and aiming the gun at Tessa."Hand one over or the pretty curly head dies"He said smiling.

"Ok ok," Viktor said dropping his gun and standing up."She's not involved in this "He did with his hands up.

"VIKTOR NO" Alex said getting up and running after him."Please don't do this please "She begged as tears ran down her face."I can't lose you ok. Please don't do this" She whispered as held onto him.

"I'm going to be ok. You'll find me in time I promise."He said as he held her face in his hands." I love you "He whispered before kissing her and turning away.

"VIKTOR NOO," she said as she tried to run after him but got pulled back."LET ME FUCKING GO" she yelled as she tried to kick whoever was holding her back off of her ."WHEN I FIND YOU IM GOING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY "She yelled after the mystery man as he walked away

As they say...nothing's worse than a woman scorned.

When they got to the De'luca residence Alex broke down crying in her sister's arms.

"What if I never get to see him again."She cried.
"It's going to be ok," Natalia said as she rubbed Alex's back and wiped her tears.
"I don't even tell him I loved him back "She cried harder.

"Alex we're going to get him back I promise, "Gio said picking up his little sister and carrying her to the couch."He's tough and will get through this ok" He whispered."Now let's dry these tears and get to work" He said as he dried her face and stood up.

Present time:
"Ok, do we know who it was"Val asked while comforting his wife?
"According to the CCTV cameras, it looks like it was Dominic Castillo. Heir to the Mexican Mafia" Gianni said showing them the pictures.

"He has a wife and two kids but they died during birth," Gianni said reading his profile."Two brothers, parents are deceased and he barely has the numbers to beat us all combined."

"Why the fuck is he coming after us, "Vadim said
"Power," Antonio said ."He wants what we have and he thinks that by going after you guys that we"ll just give it up," He said.

"He didn't get the message of what happens to power-hungry leeches," Natalia said with venom laced in her voice.

"Do we know where they are keeping Viktor? "Jakob asked.
"According to the tracking chip in his neck," Alessio said as he put the iPad on the table." They're in Chicago ".

"Alright, we'll let's get ready and call the troops in Chicago," Antonio said standing up.

"I told that shit head what was going to happen when I found him. I'm slitting his bitches neck while he watches "Alex said as she walked out of the room.

 I'm slitting his bitches neck while he watches "Alex said as she walked out of the room

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Alex is about to burn some shit to the ground ...You know they like to play with fire ...teeheeheee

If anyone is confused about the POV, this chapter was more of a narration which is why it says both of their names.



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