*needs editing*
"Watch your fucking mouth"Antonio said slamming his fist on the desk.
The twins just looked at their oldest brother in amusement at his attempt to show them whose boss.
"S-shiver m-me tt-timbers"Alexandria said in a mocking tone .
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Third Person "All right hoe wake up, "Alessa said jumping on Alex's bed and waking her up.
"Ugghhh" she groaned"New school gotta make a good first impression, "Alessa said "Chop chop"
After Alex got up, they took their showers with their favorite coconut coffee body wash. They shaved and moisturized with a vanilla-smelling body cream.
They put dry shampoo in their hair because they had just gotten it done yesterday and just put some curls in it. They did light make-up looks with a cat-eye wing, highlighter, and a red lip.
The girls put on their silver chains that match our brothers and silver rings from Gucci. Since they also got our ears pierced a few days ago they put the earrings in the places where holes were visible.
Alex put on a black crop top with black cargo pants and her belt with chains attached to it. Alessa put on a long sleeve white shirt with a black skirt that had a cuff around her thigh.
They both put on their black Prada chunky shoes. For finishing touches, they spritzed on some perfume.
Their style was all over the place. They liked the E-girl look, the soft girl look, the street style look. They liked it all and wore whatever they felt fit their mood best.
"Ready, "Alessa asked as they stared into the mirror at completely different girls than what they were a few weeks ago.
"Always" Alex replied and then they grabbed their black backpacks and put their phones and other supplies they needed for the day.
They walked downstairs to the kitchen and their brothers were already at the table waiting for them.
"Ohhh great. I just know I'm gonna have to knock somebody out today" Gianni grumbled as he saw the twins approaching the table."Amen to that"Alessandro agreed to look back down at his plate.
"Good morning, "Alessa and Alex said hugging each one of their brothers as get walked to their seats. They ate quickly and waited by the front door for the boys.
"Wait wait, "Alessio said while Anthonie and Antonio followed behind him."We have to document your very first day of school with us so pose with your brothers, "He said while they all held their phones up for a photo.
They took about thirty thousand photos before we told them we were running late.
"Ok Ok byeeee," the twins said hugging them and running out of the door.
The driver Carlo was waiting with the door open for the girls to get in and then the boys got in behind them. They drove to a very prestigious-looking private school and as soon as they got out of the car with the boys helping them out all eyes were on them.
"Great, you ass wipes are popular huh "Alexandria grumbled as she noticed the states. "You know it, "Giovanni said with a smirk as he looked at them.