chapter 24.

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The De'Luca family walked down to the living room and found everyone else on the big couch

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The De'Luca family walked down to the living room and found everyone else on the big couch.

"Hey babes," Sienna said as she pulled a puffy-eyed Alessa into her for a hug.

"Awww you did so well in there ok," Natalia said as she sat down next to Alessa."We know it's hard for you guys" She said grabbing Alex's hand ." but you two are the strongest people we know for being able to face him after everything he made you guys endure."She said as They gave the twins a group hug.

"Ahem" Viktor made his presence known as he stared at Natalia long enough for her to take the hint and move.

Viktor took Natalia's spot and pulled Alexandria into him and quickly kissed her on the cheek. Alexandria snuggled into him and wrapped her into the blanket.

Vadim quickly sat next to Alessa and took her face into his hands and wiped her tears away. He pressed his forehead against hers and mumbled "ne trat'svoi milen' kiye slezinki na takuyu nechist',kak on"he spoke to her Russian."ok" he said pulling his forehead away from her but still held her head in his hair.

"ok," Alessa sniffled.
"khoroshiy," Vadim kissed her forehead and pulled her back into a hug. Alessa tangled her legs in between his and just looked around.

"Awwww," Natalia smiled from ear to ear understanding the conversation between the two.

"I'm surprised Gio, Gianni, and Alessandro haven't snapped their heads off yet," Sienna said making everyone mumble in agreement.

Indeed all six brothers were giving the two boys death glares, but they knew the two girls needed this at the moment and weren't going to ruin it by tormenting the two Russians.

"Nah they get a pass," Gianni said.
"For now "Alessandro grumbled.

Alexandria and Alessandra both smiled and gave the two boys a peck on the lip. Viktor and Vadim both turned bright red and you couldn't miss it because of their pale skin tone.

"Hey hey, "Alessio said."Watch it" he warned making everyone laugh.

"Ohhh shut the fuck up," Abigail said to Alessio smacking him."Let them be "She said as she sat on Antonio's lap.

"All these fucking couples"Anthonie grumbled.

"Stop whoring around and maybe you'll find a decent woman to bring home, "Alessandro said.

"The man whore himself speaks up" Alessio joked.

"I am NOT a man whore" Alessandro claimed."I just have ...options"He said trying to justify his claim.

"options" Gianni repeated the word like it was foreign on his tongue.

"Let's not even go there Gianni, "Alessandro said in a warning tone.

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