chapter 33.

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The aftermath of the party was not good at all the twins woke up with a massive headache and sore from the bruises that were left on their bodies

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The aftermath of the party was not good at all the twins woke up with a massive headache and sore from the bruises that were left on their bodies. Alessa was the first to wake up and go into the bathroom.What she saw was not a pretty sight,she had hickies all over her neck and collarbone and she looked like she shit.

"Oh my god"Alex walked into the bathroom as she ran her hands over her neck wincing from the slight pain.

"They're going to kill them "Alessa gasped as her voice came out raspy."then they'rengoing to kill US"she panicked with wide eyes as she turned to her twin who didn't look fazed at all.

"Alessa calm the fuck down"Alex said as she pulled out they're concealer and started applying it to her sisters neck with a beauty blender .''Oh"Alessa said as she watched her twin fix they're little dilemma of theirs .

"Soooo"Alex began wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner."Did you have fun "she asked poking her sisters side with the powder brush.''Ummm me???''Alessa whisper yelled whipping her head towards her sister.'' Bitch we heard your moans coming up the stairs"Alessa said smacking her sisters hand away.

"Ok umm well we didn't have sex last night"Alex said , her face becoming flushed."Buuut we did do other things"she played with her fingers and sat down in the chair after Alessa got up"Same,He said he didn't want to pressure me into doing anything "Alessa said as she applied concealer to Alex's neck."Viktor said the same thing too."Alex said smiling at how sweet and considerate their boys were to them.

"I think I might "Alex said taking a deep breath in "I think I might love him and I know it might seem early but he just knows me."She said looking down."I know he doesn't just want me for my body but for me."

"I know the feeling "Alessa said as she finished blending the concealer."Ok let's go eat"she said pulling Alex's hand in hers and following the sweet aroma of sugar and syrup towards the stairs.The twins ran downstairs and sat at the table as Alessio put out the food in front of them as soon as they sat in their seats.

"How was the party"He asked as he sat out the thick and golden waffles out next to the fruit .
"It was amazing for our first high school party "Alex said before drinking her juice and grabbing some waffles.

"Awww I remember when Antonio would throw massive house parties while dad was away"Alessio reminisced as while looking at the window behind the twins.

''Dad"The twins said their attention perking up at the mention of their father throwing hitter focus off of their food.The twins obviously never knew their father and the boys never really talked about him front of them.

"Where is dad"Alessa asked curiously as she piled eggs onto her plate .
"He left years ago"Anthonie grumbled as he walked into the room looking even more pissed than usual in the mornings.

''You're lucky you didn't get to know our pathetic excuse for a father anyways"Alessio said while finishing setting the table up for breakfast.The twins wondered what happened from the way the boys talked about their father with such disgust and hatred.Surely he wasn't as bad as mom was.

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