*needs editing*
"Watch your fucking mouth"Antonio said slamming his fist on the desk.
The twins just looked at their oldest brother in amusement at his attempt to show them whose boss.
"S-shiver m-me tt-timbers"Alexandria said in a mocking tone .
Unknown Beep Beep Beep "NO NO NO NO NOOOOO" I could hear my other half sob and pounding on the glass window.
Do you ever wonder what happens after death? Darkness,all you see is darkness. Loneliness,all you feel is lonely. Coldness,missing the warmth of your friends and family.
"Bring her back RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR I WILL BURN THIS FUCKING BUILDING DOWN WITH ALL OF YOU IN IT"He yelled. "Y-yes sir"the poor nurse said trembling from the threat.
"Charge paddles to 200 "The doctor said as he applied the paddles and shocked me.
"Baby come back to me please , I love you ok. Y-ou you need to come back to me"He cried.
"Sir you can't be in here."The nurse said . "I will blow your fucking brains out bitch"he growled at her .
"Come on we got to go , Iknow you want to be here for her but we need to let them work OK"she said trying to pull him out.
"NO, not until her heart starts beating again."He said as he started crying.
As soon as he said that her heart beat came back. "Ok lets get her into surgery and remove the bullet.
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Pain is all i felt .
It was supposed to be for me .That bullet was supposed to be for me.
"Alex baby stop, " Viktor said taking my hands from my head as I pulled at my hair trying to wrap around my head why she did that.
"NO, NO, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME OK"I yelled ."I-I KILLED HER, this is all my fault "I said as I broke down in tears.
"Alex this is not your fault and you know it,"Giovanni said with a scratchy voice ."You couldn't have known she was going to do that"
"She's supposed to be here ,WITH ME."I said as I got up.
"We've never been apart,never not shared the same space. She's my other half and now she has a fucking bullet near her heart when it was supposed to be me who got shot, ME who is supposed to be on that operating table."Alex said through her tears as she waved her hands around.
"FUCK , " She said as she threw the nearest piece of glass she could find ."FUCK,"she yelled as she destroyed every in sight and they let her.
They would let her burn the world down for her twin.Because as of right now it was a war brewing,and no one would be prepared for it .
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Teehheee oopsies ...ummm don't be mad ...ok have an amazing daaayyy
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