chapter 13.

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beep beep beep

"Ugghhh" Alessa groaned into her pillow.

"Whhyyyy?"Alex yelled, rolling out of the bed, and met her sister in the bathroom."You look like shit."They said by way of greeting.

While Alessa was in the bathroom getting ready and washing her hair. Alex was in the closet picking out her outfit for the day. After Alessa got out, Alex got in and quickly did her morning routine.

"Alex are we wearing french braids today?"Alessa asked as she sat in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Yeah, don't dry your hair yet."Alex yelled from her closet as she picked her outfit out.They met back in the bathroom, Alessa did her makeup while Alex did her two braids.

"Alright my turn."Alex said as the switched seats and handed her the brush and started on her braid.

They did minimal makeup, deciding to do eyeshadow eyeliner instead of regular eyeliner and just clear lipgloss.

"Done."Alessa announced as she turned to her twin ."Alright. see you in a minute whore." Alex said leaving the bathroom.

Alessa wore a black tight crop top with some black baggy cargo pants and obsidian Jordan retro's. Alex wore a black crop top with baggy blue sweatpants and the twist Jordan retro's.

"We look good."Alex said as they looked at their reflection.

"I think our asses got fatter, "Alessa said as she turned to look at her backside."I hope so we've been eating more than we used to." Alex said observing the happy weight she's gained in such a short amount of time.

"Leet's go eat."Alessa said as they grabbed their phones and bags and walked downstairs.

When they walked in, they stole some bacon off Antonio's plate earning a glare from him.

"Love you, big bro."They said, kissing him on the forehead as they grabbed some toast and smeared jelly on it and drowned that down with some coffee. They quickly ate a plate full of cheese eggs before kissing their brothers goodbye before heading to the garage.

"Here."Giovanni said handing them the keys to the BMW i8."Oh really? Alessa asked, eyes twinkling when he handed them the keys to the car." Yes really, now let's go before we're late." he pushed them towards the white car.

"Ok, we'll follow you guys."Alessa shouts while getting into the passenger seat."See you soon and be careful driving please," he said getting in the car with Alessandro and Gianni.

They followed the boys to school since they still didn't know their way to school yet. Alex pulled up, parked next to the boys and they got out.

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