*needs editing*
"Watch your fucking mouth"Antonio said slamming his fist on the desk.
The twins just looked at their oldest brother in amusement at his attempt to show them whose boss.
"S-shiver m-me tt-timbers"Alexandria said in a mocking tone .
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After we left the rest of the boys and that man the twins took us to the food court.
"Ok, what do y'all want "Gianni asked as we walked around."Umm, we've never really eaten out before "Alessa said quietly looking at me.
"What do you mean"Gianni asked while Giovanni was on his phone ignoring the girls. "We just never ate out, "I said looking around nervously.
"Well ,we're going to chick fil a," Gianni said gettingtup ."It'll change your life" He said and ran off to order for us.
We sat down and Giovanni sat across from us and observed us with a glare on his face.
"Seems this one's only good for glaring at us,"Alessa said with a fake pout."I don't think he likes us very much "I tell her returning his glare.
"Why would I? You're a waste of fucking time in my opinion "he snarled at us.
"Oh?"I say with a puzzled look ."Was that supposed to hurt our feelings, were we supposed to break down and cry?" Alessa asked with a fake pout."Wait wait" I said forcing tears out of my eyes and smearing my mascara.
"Is this better Alessa ."I asked as I turned to her and received a reassuring nod."Mmk. Giovanni, please like us we don't know what we would do without your love and affection" I said putting on a very convincing show with tears and a small voice.
"Does that feed your ego ?" I asked as he glared at me."We've been through much worse. Your opinion of us is invalid as far as we're concerned."I tell him in a low tone wiping away my ruined mascara off with a napkin.
"You not all that innocent are you," Giovanni asked with a slight smirk on his face.
We put sweet smiles on our faces and said,"Whoever said we were".
Giovanni De'luca Ok ok, I know I seem like a dick but I have my reasons.
It hurt seeing my little sisters not knowing who we were. I mean we were four when they got taken away from us but I still remembered them and the memories we shared.
Looking at them now they've grown into beautiful young women and I just know we're going to get into a lot of fights at school fending the boys off of them.
As soon as that man put his hands on Alex I wanted to rip his fucking head off but Antonio stopped me. We observed as Alex twisted his arm behind his back with satisfaction all over our face as she kept applying pressure while Alessa whispered in her face.
Antonio told me and Gianni I to take them to the food court while the rest dealt with the man. Gianni went off to get them Chick fil a while we went and found a table. I observed them and watched as they looked around like they were nervous until they finally leveled their attention onto me.