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The set was the scene of pure chaos, every way Calum looked he was greeted with more noise and disorder. It went against every fiber of his being to voluntarily be a part of something so clearly destined to be a clusterfuck. He thought to himself that even a flock of chickens with their heads cut off would move more purposefully and with clearer direction whereas he was surrounded by complete and utter pandemonium.

He was only adding to the disarray though, as he had no clue where the trailer he was supposed to meet the producer was and everytime he parted his lips to ask someone, they darted past without a second look. He had turned the same circle four times and still hadn't the slightest idea where he was meant to go. Though, he had nearly been run over by both a golf cart and a wardrobe rack. He wondered if anyone on this set even recognized who he was. He felt a bit vain at that thought and his face formed a scowl.

"You look lost." Said a girl with pale skin and clear blue eyes.

Calum snorted silently. "You're not wrong. I'm looking for Brad? The producer?"

"He's in Trailer 7." She replied with an easy shrug.

"And that is..." He raised his eyebrows in question and she let loose a melodic laugh.

"Just follow me. I'm headed there now anyways." She said, turning and moving easily through the hustle and bustle, like she barely noticed the scene.

"Is it always like this?" He asked, moving quickly to catch up to her, for a girl nearly a foot shorter than him she walked with miraculous speed.

"Like what?" She asked, her eyes focused on the screen of her phone as she managed to maintain her path without even a glance up and he felt a bit affronted by her ability to maneuver so well when he'd barely survived a simple exploration of the place when giving it his full attention.


She chuckled. "Your first set?"

"Well, yes and no. My first set like this." He said honestly, he'd made loads of tv and radio appearances. Hell, they'd shot so many music videos he could probably do them in his sleep and yet this television show set was eating him alive.

"You get used to—Hey Paulie!" She stopped mid sentence to wave to a burly guy leaned against a trailer who merely raised his head, nodded, and looked away. "He's a sound guy. Hates everything I swear. I bother him any chance I get and at this point I think he's just accepted it." She laughed as she explained to him.

"Back to what I was saying though," she continued, steering him down a street of sorts that was created by trailers and vans, "you get used to it. There's a method to the madness. It's not just chaos for chaos sake." She led him to the stairs of an RV, gesturing with her hand for him to go ahead, and he hesitantly walked up them and knocked on the door.

"Yeah?" Came the impatient voice of Brad Lenay, a TV producer in his mid-fifties as he swung the door inward to allow them inside.

"Morning, Brad. Found this newbie wandering around looking for you." The brunette girl said, moving past the pair and heading for the back of the trailer.

"Oh thanks, Teal. Calum! Such a pleasure to see you again. I hope you recovered well from the New Year's festivities."

"I have, I have."

"Ready to get this thing started?"

"More like ready to get this thing over with." Calum joked.

"Aw, come on now. Don't stress yourself over it. It's just eight weeks. You meet some girls, you have some fun, promote your band and maybe you meet the love of your life. It's not like it's the actual "Bachelor" and you have to propose at the end. This is just a fun dating experiment. Treat it that way."

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