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"Your eyes are literally green."

"Shut the fuck up, Navy." Teal barked as she took a seat on the vanity chair in front of her sister.

"I'm just saying, you clearly like him. It might as well be on a giant neon sign with an arrow above your head." She chuckled before gesturing in front of herself as if she were reading a sign, "Teal loves Calum."

"Navy! Enough!" Teal said, a scowl on her face as she crossed her arms defensively over her chest. "I don't love him. I don't even like him."

"And that's an absolute load of bullshit, Teal. I've known you since the womb and I know when you like someone."

"What does it matter? Even if I did like him, it would never work. He's got more than enough girls to pick from already. One he's clearly completely into so there's no reason for me to waste my time."

"Hey," Navy said, her voice softening as she came to stand behind her sister, "just because something might not work right now doesn't mean it never will. Don't deny yourself how you feel just because the circumstances aren't ideal. Things have a way of working themselves out."

"I don't know V, it seems pointless to waste my time pining after someone I'll never have."

"Then don't pine after him." Navy retorted with a quick roll of her eyes, as if it were that easy. "Just be yourself. Do your job. Have fun. Let whatever is meant to be happen. Don't stress, it's not like you to lose your head like this over a guy."

"He doesn't feel like just a guy, V." Teal said quietly, her eyes shifting to focus on her fingers.

Navy narrowed her eyes, not sure how to respond to her twin's words. This wasn't like Teal and it had her both intrigued and a little concerned. Typically it was Navy who was losing her head over boys and Teal the one giving her advice. She didn't know what to make of the way her sister was acting or the man who was their topic of discussion.

"Look T. We're going to go to this party tonight. We're going to have a fantastic fucking time because we haven't partied together in literally ages and we'll leave the rest up to fate and alcohol. Okay?"

"Okay." Teal muttered as Navy set to work on her hair and makeup.

Teal wanted to listen to her sister's words. Wanted to actually release all of these things that she was feeling and just let it be but she couldn't. Whispers about what had happened with Calum and Jules this morning had gotten around.

She'd caught him just out of the shower and given him a present to remember. Teal's brain had really gone wild with that idea and she didn't even want to know what had followed him apparently kissing her senseless. Watching him with Rileigh had been one thing. They'd been at a club, there had been alcohol involved and Rileigh had pursued him. Knowing that Calum had been the one to initiate whatever had happened between him and Jules this morning stung, even though it shouldn't have. She had literally not one right to be jealous, but still she was.

Her jaw began to ache alerting her that she was grinding her teeth together. She hadn't even noticed until the pain had become prominent but she released it still and tried to think of other things until Navy had completed her look for the night. Teal had been given the afternoon off. She had been asked personally to attend Calum's birthday after-party and for that reason Brad had released her from having to attend the filmed portion of the evening which honestly she couldn't be more grateful for. One part of her brain, not the rational part, was ready to punch Jules on sight.

It wasn't a fact she was particularly proud of, she understood her place, but that didn't stop the thought from occurring to her.


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