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Calum waited nervously just inside the back entrance of the venue he and the boys would be playing that night. He stared at the black painted door waiting for the girls to arrive. He hadn't played a show in over six weeks and so his veins were prickling with nervous excitement.

He was excited to have them there. Katie, Ansley, and Jules, each of them was so different in both looks and demeanor yet he found himself intrigued by each of them. He did his best to ignore the sound of Teal and Ashton to his left, she'd greeted him warmly when she entered before also chatting with Michael and Luke. He wasn't jealous, or at least he shouldn't have been but she'd brushed past him in favor of his band mates and something about that really, really stung. 

He couldn't think about it now, the girls were due to arrive any second with the whole camera team ready to capture the moment as he showed the three girls he was supposed to be thinking about his world.

When they finally showed he took a moment to be thankful for how at ease they looked though he should have guessed they would be fine really, after all their jobs were conducive to these types of environments but seeing them immediately adapt to the chaos helped him relax. Ansley grabbed Calum's hand as they walked along the back corridor that led to the band's green room for the evening.

"Hey, would you mind if I went with Andy down into the photo pit? I brought my camera and I'd love to get a few shots of you even if I only go down for a few songs."

She looked so excited so he agreed easily, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear as he said softly, "As long as I get to see them when they're done."

"Of course." she promised, standing to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek before taking a spot on the green room's couch.

Of the girl's left Ansley and his relationship had developed the slowest, it had progressed at the pace he imagined he would have pursued someone without the show's push of deadlines. She was quiet but immensely creative. She had spent one whole afternoon at the mansion showing him some of her work. She was a photographer by trade but she also excelled at poetry and painting something Cal found awe inspiring and her meaningful conversations with him and been the deciding factor in keeping her around. She was kind and compassionate, something he hoped she thought of him as well and he liked seeing her in her element, liked seeing her happy.

For what it was worth he felt the same about seeing Jules and Katie happy and was glad that they too seemed to be blending in well with his world, easily falling into conversation with both his bandmates and their girlfriends.

After a while of mingling it was time to get ready for the show and Crystal, ever the mom of the group, helped coral everyone to the other side of the room giving he and the boys some room to get ready for their show.

He tried not to but eventually he couldn't take it anymore and he let his eyes roam until they found Teal. She was wearing her hair up today, something he had learned she only did when she was busy and would really need to focus all day. She was talking to someone else from the crew, a man he only vaguely recognized and he wanted to punch himself for the bit of jealousy he felt seeing another man talking to her.

"Cal, come back to us buddy." Ashton said, lightly shoving his shoulder. Calum shook his head as if to shake the thoughts of the pretty girl across the room away and forced himself to listen as Ashton gave his pep talk for the night before they headed to the staging area.

He slid his bass strap over his head, hoping that a return to the stage would perhaps also lead to a reemergence of the old Calum, the one that didn't let girls affect him like this and who would possibly have a clue as to what the fuck he was supposed to do.

The house lights of the medium sized venue went out and Ashton took the stage first, settling on the stool of his drum kit and the rest of them took their places at the stage steps waiting for their cue in the intro music before rushing the stage and taking their places.

A sort of freeing feeling encompassed Calum as he stared out into the sea of people, so many that they began to blur together after the first few rows. He had missed this, the way he felt light and on top of the world when he was onstage with the men who had become his brothers.

He didn't have to think, his hands and body just moved on autopilot, knowing exactly what to do and for the first time in weeks his thoughts were completely silent, nothing but the music that invaded his entire soul.


Teal couldn't look away. Whatever she was supposed to be doing was completely forgotten when Calum had taken the stage. He was always breathtaking, always so exhilarating to even just be around and yet on stage he was somehow those things but amplified, she didn't dare look away.

The set seemed to pass by entirely too quickly. She loved seeing him look so happy and like there wasn't a place in the world he would rather be. Their final song, the new one took her a little by surprise. They brought out the band they had collaborated on the song with and Calum moved to the synth instead of immediately grabbing for his bass. It was different and she was eerily aware of too many of the words.

She might not fit the mold of a cheating lover, but she certainly could picture herself in the role of someone completely at a loss as to what they wanted and questioning the feelings of the person they were interested in.

She managed to drag her eyes away at just the right moment, turning back a second later to make eye contact with Calum who stared back unembarrassed when she caught him looking. Her mouth dried at the sight, his silk black shirt, the first two buttons undone, tucked into a pair of black and grey flared pants.

She bit her bottom lip and offered only the softest smiles before returning to her duties, the daze that watching him perform had caused, suddenly lifted.


Water droplets still raced down Claum's chest as he exited the shower and toweled off. He'd forgotten how sweaty he got after a show and felt bad that the girls had all hugged him immediately after he had gotten off stage. He knew he needed to get back to them but there was still one thing he needed to do before returning to the mansion.

The rest of his band had retired to the green room, ravaging what remained of the rider alcohol and preparing for what was sure to be a fun night out with their girlfriends.

'Don't get too shitfaced yet." He said, stepping into the room alone and shutting the door behind him. "I need opinions, honest ones."

"Tell him, Ash." Michael called out the oldest of the group from his spot at the small buffet table where he was piling a plate high with fruits and veggies.

"We like them, Cal. All of them really do seem decent and we see why each is around. Jules is sporty, Katie is beautiful but intelligent, and Ansley is immensely creative."

"Why do I sense a 'but' coming?" Calum asked, a small hint of fear in his voice.

"Because for all their great qualities, the one who has all those things and who you're clearly into is obvious. Plus, she's the best of the lot of them."

"Oh yeah? And who's that?"

"Teal." Ashton said her name easily and Calum felt the breath escape him. Was it really that obvious? He thought he had done a good job of looking elsewhere, distracting himself from her and trying to not play favorites. Yet, here was his best friend telling him what he already knew, that he had gone and fallen for the one girl he wasn't allowed to have.

An: what do we think?

Sav 🖤

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