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As Calum kissed her, part of Teal's brain yelled that this would end in disaster, that there were too many things against them and that as strong as her feelings for Calum, and apparently his feelings for her, were, they were no match for the scrutiny they would have to withstand. The media nightmare this would cause alone might be enough to do them in. The other portion of her brain however told her to stop overthinking, to appreciate the feel of his soft pouted lips on hers and let tomorrow's repercussions be just that... tomorrows.

She let that side of her brain win and their joined lips said everything that their nervous words had been unable to. Her lips moved heavily against his, their breath mixing as all the pent up frustrations of the past six weeks disappeared. There was no confusion. They were both clear headed and finally knew how the other felt, even if they didn't know the repercussions they would face from their night together.

His hands gripped tightly to her waist as he turned and pulled her onto his lap, her knees digging into the couch cushions on either side of him as she straddled his thighs. His skin was hot, his temperature only rising with every kiss of her lips and gentle caress of her fingers tips. They weren't even really touching yet, far too many clothes blocking their connection from each other and while Calum had half a mind to tear her clothes away from her there was a piece of him that wanted to savor the experience with her. There had been so much build up to this and he wanted it to exceed whatever expectations she had.

Her tongue skimmed along the edge of where his lips met, her top teeth nibbling on his lower lip just enough to elicit a gasp and part his lips to deepen their kiss. His hands explored her body over the fabric of her t-shirt, rising until his fingers wove into her hair and he tugged at the strands.

Their lips moved slow and heavy, no rush. They seemed to be on the same wavelength of wanting to make the most of the opportunity in front of them. Calum felt a bit like a giddy school boy, he couldn't remember the last time that simply kissing a woman had gotten him this turned on. It wasn't something he was sure he had ever had happen if he was honest.

He breathed heavily into her mouth as his hands found a place to settle on her waist. His fingers squeezed at her sides and pulled her towards him until their bodies touched at every available opportunity.

Her fingers toyed with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck, his lips moved hungrily against hers as his brain tried to process that he was finally getting to kiss her the way he had wanted to for weeks now.

Her ability to turn him on was evident and she used it to her advantage, her hips rocking into him their bodies separated only by the clothing they still wore.

Never breaking their kiss he let his hands wander to the bottom of her shirt, running the hem between his thumb and forefinger until he worked up the nerve to mumble, "is this what you want?"

His heart pounded as he awaited her answer. He was pretty sure now that she felt the same but that didn't mean she would be on board with this so quickly.

"Want you." She said back, using her own fingers to bring his lips back to hers.

Every cell in his body was alight with desire hearing her say the words he'd longed for, for so long. Teal, his Teal, wanted him. The same way he wanted her.

He used the euphoric adrenaline her words had caused to urge him forward, slipping her shirt up and over her head, letting it fall away into the dark as he grasped at her thighs and dragged his lips away from hers to kiss his way across her neck.

His hands slid beneath her, his grip tightening until he held her firmly and he stood to his feet. He'd been living in the house long enough that blindly carrying her to the bedroom didn't prove an impossible feat. There was a soft thud as she was dropped against the duvet, a giggle escaping her. Music to Calum's ears.

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