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Calum could feel himself practically radiating embarrassment when he stepped on to the set and was immediately brought face to face with the woman who had recently filled his very dirty dream.

"Hey." He mumbled awkwardly. "You're back. Are you feeling better?"

Her bottom lip rolled up into her mouth and she seemed on the verge of tears, or an explosion of annoyance, he wasn't sure which scared him more, he didn't see either though as she simply nodded and brushed past him without a word. Disappearing out of sight before he had collected himself enough to utter anything else.

He didn't have time to let his mind race, to let his thoughts focus in yet again on the girl that truly seemed out to wreck his mental state. She was exasperating and he couldn't let himself get drawn back in by her allure. He had five girls still waiting to find out if they would be joining him the next week.
The crew was short on filming days this week due to the band needing Calum for rehearsals with their collaboration single drop now only days away. The tight schedule meant that he would be filming a dismissal ceremony and then immediately going in to the group date with the girls. He was taking them to a winery that had alpaca's. Girls loved wine and animals, right?

He tried to remain focused on the positives. He was really excited about the girls who were still around and as hard as it was to say goodbye to someone, as he wished Camryn—the gorgeous chocolate skinned veterinarian student—farewell, he knew it was for the best. They had developed more of a friendship and he didn't want to waste any more of her valuable time when he knew he had forged deeper relationships with the other girls.

Ansley raised a toast when Calum returned from escorting Camryn out, and he forced a smile as he clinked his glass of champagne with theirs before asking Rileigh to step aside.

"What's up?" She asked, strolling beside him as they walked towards the small garden on the side of the expansive house.

"Well, I was wondering..." He started, his tongue darting out from his mouth to wet his lips—God, how did this still make him nervous?—"if you might go on a date with me."

"Well, that depends." She told him, ever the playful and teasing one of all the girls he had met. "What will this date entail?"

"Can't tell you. It's top secret." He said, his hands shoved deep down in his pockets as he rocked from his toes to his heels awaiting her answer.

"Ugh, I guess I can clear my schedule." She winked.

"You better make it worth my while Hood. I was really looking forward to the alpacas."

He chuckled and promised he wouldn't disappoint her. She smiled in return, standing on her tips toes and brushing her lips ever so softly across his, just enough to leave him wanting more.

The kiss was sweet, a stark difference when compared to those he had shared with Riliegh before. It would have been perfect, had he not opened his eyes to find Teal's, hurt and sadness clear in their pools of blue, staring straight back at him. His attention seemed to clear her head and she quickly looked back down to her clipboard, saying something into her walkie talkie before again disappearing into the chaos of the behind the scenes action of the show.

He tugged at the ends of his hair in frustration. What the fuck did she want from him? He couldn't understand her behavior, not that girls ever really made much sense but this seemed exceptionally confusing and he was completely lost.

If she wanted him why didn't she just say something? He hadn't reacted badly when she kissed him, maybe a bit surprised but he had been more than willing once he had realized what was happening. She had been the one to run. She had been the one to hide even when he had sought her out and now she needed to be the one to address whatever the fuck was wrong. Until she did he just had to go on acting like normal, heeding his sister's advice and following after the girls who had made their feelings for him clear.

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