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In true romantic gesture fashion, Calum walked towards Jules' door in the pitch black of night. He looked around in the grass for a moment before locating a small pebble and tossing it at the window he knew belonged to the bedroom she was staying in. Under normal circumstances he would have been able to just text her to tell her to meet him outside but since all the girls were currently without their cell phones things were a bit more complicated, so he was going for something a bit more chivalrous. It took three more small pebbles and one snort, as he realized that he was literally throwing rocks at her window and that if Michael ever found out he'd laugh for days about it, before Jules finally appeared at the window.

She gave him a puzzled look but smiled when he used his hand to wave her down. She held up one finger before disappearing and he moved around to the side door, hoping she would use that one to exit and give less chance of someone on the crew seeing them and deciding to film.

There was almost a sense of urgency when she appeared, Calum wasting no time in wrapping his hand around the back of her head and pulling her forward into a needy kiss, desperately looking to shove his feelings for Teal aside. She relaxed into it as the shock of his sudden motion wore off and Calum was grateful that she didn't seem to mind his haste and distress or at least that she didn't comment on it.

"Something was missing all day. Someone." He told her as he pulled away from the kiss, his hand still cradling the side of her face as his brown eyes stared into her green ones.

"Really?" She asked, an excited lilt in her tone and he felt a little bad that it was a half truth. He had missed someone today, it just wasn't her.

He nodded and leaned forward to brush his lips softly across hers, tangling the fingers of his right hand in the flaming red locks of her curly hair.

"Come back to the guest house with me?" He asked, his voice scratching against his throat and he wasn't sure if it was caused more by lust or guilt.

Jules seemed to catch on to what he was insinuating and she hesitated but only for a moment before leaning forward just enough to kiss him again. He grinned wide as he grabbed her hand and pulled her along back to the guest house, throwing open the door and leading her to his bedroom where he waited for her to take it in.

It was probably cheesy, no it was definitely cheesy, but Jules didn't seem to mind. Her eyes lighting up at the sight of the rose petals and candles he had set out in his bedroom. He was overcompensating for what had happened the last time he had shared this bed with someone and he knew that, but that didn't mean she needed to.

"Do you like champagne?" He asked her, his voice suddenly a bit shaky. She turned and met his eyes over her shoulder with a nod of her head.

He gave a nervous smile and ventured over to the mini bar, producing the bottle he had ordered and popping the cork before pouring them each a glass. He extended his hand and Jules took her glass, clinking it with his before taking a sip. His nerves were getting to him, not about the act itself, sex excited him it didn't make him nervous. Worry over a repeat of last time however made him very, very hesitant. He brought his flute to his lips and drained it, the bubbles dancing in his head, helping to dull the intensity of the doomsday thoughts and keep him more focused on the girl who was in his bed now, instead of the one he knew he'd never get the chance with.

He drank another glass of champagne and then one more, Jules finished off the bottle with her second glass and each of them showed the slight effects of their inebriation. Calum opened his mouth to try and continue the conversation they had been having on the weather when Jules giggled and leaned towards him, the bed they were seated on dipped as she did so, and her finger rose to rest against his lips.

"Cal," She whispered. "I don't think you brought me here to make small talk."

His cheeks flamed and he dropped his head to look at his fingers in his lap. "I guess you're right." He admitted, lifting his chin and meeting her eyes once more. Her thumb dragged across his lower lip and he felt a twitch in his jeans.

Her eyes had darkened so that instead of their usual bright green they had dissolved into a color that resembled a darkened forest, she leaned forward, her hand falling away as she tilted her head and kissed him. Her lips were firm against his and his brain's first reaction was to compare it to kissing Teal. He grunted and gripped Jules' face in his hand, forcing the thoughts down and out of his headspace and instead repeating her name over and over in his head. Jules. Jules. Jules.

The woman in front of him took the needy tone of his kiss as a sign to move things forward and her hands slipped between two of the buttons of his white button up. Her hand was warm where it met his skin and small bursts of electricity pricked wherever she touched him. His breath was heavy as she used her fingers to undo the buttons leaving his chest exposed and raking her fingers over his abdomen.

Her bottom lip was pulled back by her top row of teeth making her look so innocent, so fucking sexy. Thoughts of what it would be like to have a certain brown haired girl in the same position occurred to him and he silenced them by hastily pushing at Jules' shoulders until she was beneath him on the bed, crashing their lips together as if he were trying to prove a point, though he wasn't quite sure who we was proving it to.

With his body weight against her, he shoved her top up and used his opposite hand to pull it over her head, only stopping for a moment to lick his lips at the sight of her breasts, held back by her dainty, lace bra. Teal would look even better in—STOP! His thoughts were blurring and he did his best to remain focused on Jules in front of him. He kissed her lips before dragging his own mouth down the curve of her jaw, the length of her throat and across her chest. His hands blindly fumbling with her leggings before he lowered them to her thighs and she assisted him by kicking out of them. She helped him undress next while his thoughts raged in his mind and it took every ounce of his concentration to remain focused on her. He needed to silence his mind and she was already sopping wet and ready for him so he aligned himself and pressed into her.

He gasped as he bottomed out, her walls easily accommodating him. Her eyes closed tightly below him, her face covered in a look of overwhelmed contentment as he pulled back slightly and then rocked his hips forward until they'd reached a quick and steady tempo.

He kept his eyes open, the sight of the red head in front of him as she called out his name amidst her moans and sounds of pleasure the only thing helping to keep his mind clear and prevent his thoughts from wandering.

He kept it up for a while, his fingers roughly grabbing at her nipples, his thighs flexing as he repeatedly drove himself into her again and again until her breaths began to fall freely from her lips as heavy pants. Her thighs clenched around him and she screamed his name and came. He worked her through it, his hips maintaining their momentum as he became a bit annoyed that his own orgasm didn't seem to be impending.

He sped up his thrusts hoping to will himself closer to the edge but he didn't seem to be getting any closer even as he heard Jules winding herself back up below him. He dropped his eyes down to her, hoping the sight of her heaving chest and bare breasts would help him move things along but even her touch on his sides, the gentle pads of her fingers caressing along his rib cage didn't do it for him.

Finally, he gave in, closing his eyes and letting the thoughts he had been holding back ravage him. Thoughts of brown hair replacing red and blue eyes replacing green enough to finally have the coil within him tightening until he released inside of her with only a satisfied grunt, he didn't trust himself with words.

He collapsed beside her, even more confused and dissatisfied than he had been before, but he did his best not to show it, moving his hand to rub against her bare back as she cuddled against his chest, wishing that there was a different girl in his arms.

An: 😳😳

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