hurt and comfort

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I slid down the stairs grabbing one slice of toast and biting "Okay thanks I'm away to school" I say "alright kid bye" eda says from the other room "bye king" I say picking him up and kissing his fore head "remember rule that school" king says I chuckle "I will"
I'm just outside of the school gates I see amity I think it's kind if hard to tell cause she has her hood up but I can see a bit of her mint green hair "HEY AMITY!" I tell and run after her she turn around surprised half of her hair is cover her face "are you okay?" I ask stepping mid way " oh yeah of course why wouldn't I be?" She says I just stay there scanning every detail of her something feels off "then why don't you-" I say about to move her hair but she grabbed my wrist a bit hard i stare in surprise she realises what I done and let's go "iv got to go" amity says rushing into the school "amity wait!" I tell after her but she kept running "what was that about?" I hear willow say behind me gus too "oh hey…I dont know" looking in the direction she ran in.
I was on my way to class when I saw amity going into the girls bathroom I enter my class "Hey miss Smith can I go to the bathroom be for the class starts?" I ask grabbing my teachers attention " sure be quick" she says I nod and rush off to the bathroom I slowly open the bathroom door to see amity with her hood down looking into the mirror she finally makes eye contact me through the mirror "LUZ!" She blurts by surprised her hair still coveringhalf of her face I take a step closer to her "hey" I say calmly "what are you doing you should be in class" amity says clearly not wanting me here "I asked my teacher if I can go to the bathroom…are you okay" I ask "yes luz for the hundreth time" she lies I can see it through her I slowly step closer to her only 3 inches away "amity..please I want to help but I can't do that if you won't let me" I say tacking another step "luz I...I already told you I don't need help" amity says I finally take one more slow step and reach out and to my surprise she let me this time move her hair behind her ear and i was stunned I could only stare she had a black eye….I took a step back with a gasp "ami…w-" I was speechless I didn't know what to say I rested my hand in her face slowly running a bit of the eye not trying to hurt her" "amity who....did this to you?" I ask amity looks down "my father" she says just barely a whisper and her voice was ruff I was wide eyed "why would your father do this" I say "he does it all the time…same with my mother" she says without hesitation I pull her into a hug "I'm so Sorry ami dont with they won't be hurting you for long" I say determined then amity pulls away from me " luz no my parents you don't know what they can do they will hurt yo-" I cut her off by smacking my lips against her she was caught by surprise by the gasp she made but soon melted into rapping her arms around my neck deepining it so I moved my hand from her face around her waist pulling her in more we could of stayed like that forever but we separated by shortness of breath we just stare into each other's eyes "I don't care…I would do anything to keep you safe" I say while still trying to catch my breath "and so would I so i won't let you" amity says with a stern face I sign and rest my forehead against hers "what am I going to do with you?" I joke making her giggle I smile.


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