Nicky solo on buying drugs in max

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As Nicky looked at the baggie hanging from the officers fingers, she swallowed hard. She had been clean for 3 years a week prior to this and just seeing that drug in front of her reduced her mind to tears, her reaction to just seeing it was a lot. As she reached for it, the lady pulled her hand back, shook her head, placed her other hand on Nickys head and slowly pushed her down, Nicky Willingly going along with it, prepared to do anything to get her hand on that drug and so she did.

Luschek, Burset.. all together it was just too much, the smell of the blood over Sophias prison wall, it took so long to scrub and get out. The smell, the picture.. it will never leave her mind. The idea that Sophia could have tried killed herself.. i mean thats the only thing that made sense to Nicky considering how unhappy Sophia was, how she was being treated and what else could explain /THAT MUCH/ blood on the walls. Jesus. Just the thought of that could make Nickys body shake slightly, if only Nicky had stuck to the rules and not given her that magazine.

When it all started to build up in her head, she felt so fucking alone. She is alone, she has no family, no friends, shes in maximum security, just gave burset a way to possibly kill herself and to make it all worse Luschek has to come and try to relieve his guilt just to make /HIMSELF/ feel better. That was it, Nicky had nothing to lose now, no one waiting for her, no reason to continue, its like she was back in the streets running away from Markas shit. Nicky knew drugs would be her only comfort so she decided right then and there, fuck it.

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