Chapter 10 - The Prince's Promise and the Pharaoh's Kiss (SMUT)

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During my life, I got into several big trouble. Like when Mabel convinced me to go dress up like her so she could pass her history exam. Or when I got drunk tattooed during my studies at the university. Yes, I really liked the tattoo, but my parents wanted to kill me for it back then. "What the hell were you doing? How did you come up with something like that? " They argued with me, and I didn't know how to answer them. If my ex-classmate hadn't told me back then what had actually happened at that party, I probably would never have figured out how I got the tattoo at all. Well, I wasn't an innocent little angel.

But now that I looked into Tad's eyes, I knew that I would be punished more for this than for any tattoo. Tad sighed and pointed at the guards. " I'm sorry, Dipper, but I'll have to report it to Pharaoh. Pharaoh will not tolerate any violation of the rules. Guards, take him and- "

"Hold on! You misunderstood that! He didn't try to run away! It was just an accident. " Blue-haired man blurted out and stood in front of me. Everyone looked at him in surprise. I didn't understand what he was trying to do either. What was he doing? After all, he was the one who saw me trying to escape. Tad raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, my prince?" He asked the man in front of me, and he began to explain. "I saw it with my own eyes. Dipper was reading as a scroll fell to the ground. He got up and wanted to pick it up, but he felt a sharp pain in his ankle, lost his balance and fell back over the railing.
If I wasn't nearby, he would definitely fall down into the lake. "

An interesting fact:
During my time with grunkle Stan, I learned one thing for sure. Recognize when someone lied.

And now that I listened to William, I could tell he was a really miserable liar. His voice shivered, his hands were sweating profusely, and he sounded anxious. Despite all this, it seemed that Tad and the guards really believed him. When he finished his fake story, the guards withdrew from us, and Tad bowed deeply to us. "Oh, I-I'm so sorry! It's my fault I misunderstood the situation. If I only knew it was just an accident. And if Keyhole hadn't slept here- "He poked into a small man in a sign to bow to me as an apology. "Are you hurt in any way? Do you want to call a doctor? "He asked, and I shook my head. William then approached me and Tad and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Tad. I will take care of the future queen here. You can return to your duties. "Tad bowed once more, then left with the guards. Keyhole, as if he already knew what the young prince wanted to say, immediately apologized and left the archive.

Only the two of us were left.

I didn't know what to tell him. He saved me! He may have looked like Bill, but unlike him, he was much kinder than I've ever seen in a blonde. "Wow, that was close. I almost thought I wouldn't convince them. You should be careful next time. He might be my brother, but he can be tough when someone pisses him off. "Suddenly the young man spoke, and I took a step back. "Brother? So that's why you look so much like him! "Will smiled nervously at me. "Well yes. We're pretty similar, aren't we? We're twins, after all. "I blinked twice.
Twins? Yes, I read somewhere that Bill had a sibling. But a twin? That was new. "Oh, I'm sorry, we probably didn't introduce ourselves properly." He realized and offered me his hand. "I am Prince William, Bill's brother. But you can call me Will. "He smiled and I shook his hand. "I'm glad to meet you, Will. I'm a Dipper. "Will then went to the table and looked at me, saying," Shall we sit down? I guess we have a few things to talk about. "I nodded. I didn't know what he wanted to ask. Did he know I wanted to run away? Did he want to tell Bill? What exactly did he want to know?

"Let's start by explaining why you actually wanted to jump into the lake." He asked as soon as I sat down. He didn't sound like he was threatening me. He sounded kind, and sympathy and understanding could be seen in his eyes. Something told me I could trust him. "I'm sure you know I have to marry your brother. The truth is, I don't want to get married. I don't even come from this world. All I want is to go back into my timeline. So I just wanted to jump in the lake and run away. "I explained to Will. But he started laughing. "Well, that's why ?! Oh gosh, I was afraid you were thinking about doing the worst thing I came up with in my mind. After all, who would willingly jump into a lake full of crocodiles. "
" CROCODILES ?! "I shouted in surprise. Tad said nothing about crocodiles! So, if I really jumped in there, I would-

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