Chapter 3 - Lost in time

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That was the first thing I noticed when I returned to my consciousness. My head was spinning terribly. "What happened?" I asked myself. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I looked around to see where I was. It was a small room with red painted walls, followed by a narrow hallway. I'm trying to remember how I got here. Memories slowly returned to my mind: about my first day as an archaeologist, how I accidentally got inside the tomb, about the golden sarcophagus of Pharaoh Cipher, about the trap and how I fell through the abyss into eternal darkness...

I gasped in shock. I should have been dead! I looked closely to see if I was injured. To my surprise, however, I was not injured in any way, except for a few bruises.

I don't get it. I had to fall from more than 400 meters. Such a fall would be fatal to me. How did I survive it? And yet without any serious injuries?

Suddenly I noticed something. It looked like a small source of light. Where did it come from? Would my flashlight survive? I looked at the ground next to me. Yes, there was my flashlight, but it was completely shattered. Well, that wasn't the source of the light. But then what was it?

I realized that the light is coming from the corridor in front of me. That I would find the way out of the tomb ?! I got to my feet carefully and walked down the hallway to the light. With each step taken, the light intensifies and intensifies till... I was outside.

I managed to get out of the tomb! I've never been happier to see the sun. From the height of the sun in the sky, I guessed it must be around noon. That didn't make sense. As we were about to leave the ruins, it was almost the sunset. Did I spend the whole day in that tomb?

Speaking of ruins, what kind of place was this? When I was inside the tomb, I completely lost track of the direction I was heading. I went to the edge of the cliff so I could look around. Ford and I carefully mapped the area, so with a little orientation, I could find my way back to the ruins. Just if anyone else was there now to take him back to his hotel.

But when I looked down at the world below me, I did not expect what was there at all.

Below me was a giant ancient city, surrounded by a river. Crowds of palm trees and flowers grew along the banks. In the distance, the pyramids of Khufu and Cheops could be seen. I stared in disbelief. Where did all of this come from? As far as I know, there was only a desert in the whole area. The local river dried up here about 2,000 years ago and... Wait.

A river that has not dried up, a city whose architecture dates back to the New Kingdom, the curse of the pharaoh...

No, I couldn't believe it! I pinched my arm hard to wake up from this crazy dream. "Ouch!" I shout in pain. So I was not dreaming at all. That means this must be real. Everything leads to only one conclusion. To something, I've never dreamed of even in my wildest dreams.

I, Dipper Pines, somehow traveled back in time.

My thoughts were interrupted by the growl of my stomach. I haven't eaten since I had lunch at the hotel. Not to mention how thirsty I was. I looked at the city below me again. Maybe I could get some food in it while I try to find a way back home. So I went down the rock path, towards the city.


The city was full of life. There were a lot of people everywhere. From merchants, slaves, ordinary workers to wealthy townspeople. They were all dressed in white clothes and had beautiful wigs on their heads. Spices and food smelled everywhere. It just made my stomach growl more. I was walking through the city trying to find some food. While I was wandering, I noticed that everyone was watching me from a distance. It almost seemed that they were afraid of me. Maybe it was my outfit. Maybe it was because they had never seen anyone with pale skin before. I don't know. Nevertheless, I felt like a black sheep.

Suddenly, women who sold figs at the fountain got my attention. Those figs looked delicious and I couldn't resist the temptation. Unfortunately, I didn't have any money with me, even though modern money would probably be useless to me here. Maybe I could convince them to give me some for free.

I took a few breaths and tried to greet them in my bad Egyptian: "مرحبا. أنا آسف على إزعاجك ، لكنني من بعيد وأنا أتضور جوعاً. هل يمكنني تذوق بعض من تلك التين؟" *

(*Hello. I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm from far away and I'm starving. Could I taste some of those figs?)

The women stared at me in fear. They probably didn't understand a word I said. To understand me, I point my finger at the figs and then at my stomach. They stared at me for a moment. Then both of them began to speak to me in a language I didn't understand. It sounded like Egyptian, but a much older version. With those words, women bowed before me and offered me the whole basket. I carefully took a few figs into my mouth. But the women still insisted that I should take the whole basket with me. I shake my hands, trying to say I don't want any more. The women kept bowing and shouting words in an unknown language. I don't understand what's going on here. Suddenly a crowd gathered around us. I guess I made a scene.

I tried to leave the women, but then suddenly someone grabbed my hand. My face changes in horror when I know who it is. According to the clothes, they had to be members of the local guard. If they thought I was trying to rob those women, I had a big problem. I try to free myself from their grip. "Hey, leave me alone! I didn't do anything! " I call them. The guards don't seem to understand me, and instead one of them grabbed a rope so they could tie my hands. I fought with them for a while, but I had no chance against 3 strong men. With my hands tied, they took me away into the unknown.


We walked for nearly half an hour. I didn't know what they were planning to do with me or where they were dragging me at all. Are they going to throw me to crocodiles? Get me into jail? Or make me a slave? I had no idea. However, my questions were suddenly answered. I looked up and realized where we were.

We were standing in front of the entrance to the palace. "Palace? Why are they taking me there? "I thought. The guards guarding the entrance to the palace looked at me curiously. The trio that brought me there began to talk to them. When they had finished their little chat, the trio left me in the hands of 2 palace guards and replaced their place at the entrance. The two then led me inside the palace.


The interior of the palace was almost as beautiful as the Golden Tomb. The tall columns were decorated with beautiful paintings and hieroglyphs. Inside was a pile of flowers and plants, as well as several fountains with drinkable water. I tried to see everything I could as they led me deeper into the palace. Suddenly we stopped at a giant door with a big triangle in the center. Fearing what was about to come, I began to feel butterflies in my stomach. One of the guards said something to me and let the door open and with that, we went inside.

We stood in a huge hall full of columns and statues. There were about 20 people on the right and left sides of the room. According to jewelry and expensive wigs, they must have been rich nobles. There were also several members of the palace guard. They all turned to me as we entered through the door. Their terrifying looks made me look down at the floor. I was scared. "What is going to happen to me?" I asked myself. We reached the end of the room and then the guards forced me to kneel. I looked up to notice that besides the nobles and guards, there was someone else in the hall. Someone who was sitting on the royal throne.

Then the guard spoke. Although I did not understand almost everything he said, I recognized three words. Three words that made me look in shock at the face of the man in front of me.

A man who was supposed to be dead for more than 2,100 years...

Pharaoh Bill Cipher.

To be continued

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