Chapter 7 - A glass of wine

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When I opened my eyes, I saw exactly what I didn't want to see.

I was in Pharaoh's bedroom again. I was laying in bed, covered by a blanket with a pile of pillows around me. It was quite a cozy nest. I mean, if it didn't belong to the idiot who made me marry him.

I looked towards the window. The rays of the setting sun warmed my face. Was it evening already? How long did I sleep?

Wait a second...
I didn't fall asleep! I lost consciousness when I was trying to escape!

I tried to get out of bed. However, I whimpered in pain as I moved with my left foot. It hurt terribly. "I see you've finally woken up." Someone said behind me. I turned around for a voice. Not far from the bed, Bill was sitting in a chair, reading some documents. I didn't even notice him because of how quiet he was. I panicked and tried to back away from him. As I said, I tried. Whenever I wanted to move my leg, the pain immediately hit my body. "Hey, don't flinch. You'll only make your ankle worse. "He tried to calm me down as he walked slowly forward to me. "My an-Ouch!" The pain stopped me from completing the sentence.

Bill lifted the blanket and pointed to my leg. The entire ankle with the foot was bandaged and covered with greenish ointment. I had to admit that the man who did it did a pretty decent job. "See? You twisted it up pretty bad in that fall. It will take at least 2 weeks before you can walk without a cane. "He put his hand next to my leg, then looked at me. "You should not run like this. Or rather, you shouldn't try to run away from me like this. "

I gulped nervously. That's true, I tried to run away. But now that I was caught, I knew I was in a lot of trouble. What did he want to do with me?

Bill noticed my silence. He had to guess what I was thinking because he started laughing, "Don't be so scared, Pinetree! I won't do anything to you. "He patted me lightly on the shoulder and I relaxed a little. But then his expression got serious, and there was a hint of warning in his eyes. He leaned close enough to see into his eyes. Then he said, "I'll let it be this time. However, if you try again, you will have to face the consequences. Do you understand me? "

I just nodded.

Fear hit my stomach again. It was as if I were sitting next to a tiger who could jump on me at any moment and eat me. Not to mention that I couldn't even move my legs properly in the bandages now.
Bill sighed. "Oh, Pinetree. What should I do with you? Whenever I'm around you, you seem to be so scared. On the one hand, I enjoy watching your scared face, but on the other hand, I want to know you more. I want to know what's going on in your little head. Who are you, what do you like, or what did you really want to do here in Egypt? "He spoke in a calm voice. For the first time, he sounded kinda... helpless. That surprised me. He was arrogant all the time and full of sarcasm and flirtation, but now he was... not a jerk. He was just a normal person.

I decided to answer his question. "Well, I came mostly to Egypt to do research about you and your tomb." Bill looked at me, and out of sudden confusion came curiosity and joy. "Really? Well, why don't you ask Pinetree? Why would you try so hard to run away from me so that you could search for information about me in the future when you can ask me anything right now? "He asked, and I just stared in surprise. "Ask you anything I want?" I repeated his words and he just nodded. "That's right. After all, we're getting married, so why not get to know each other a little? Come on, go for it. Ask me anything. I'll be delighted to feed your brunette head with some knowledge. "

I carefully tried to sit on the bed. I had to think about it.

I had so many questions! All my studies were based on ancient Egypt. How they lived, who ruled, how, what were their traditions and deities... Not to mention how little was known about Pharaoh Cipher. In fact, over the years of my studies, I knew very little about him, almost nothing. And now I had the opportunity to get an answer to it all. "Ah, wow, you've thrown me down now. I don't know what to ask first. I- "I'm trying to find the words when suddenly there is a loud growl in my stomach. That made Bill laugh out loud. "Hahaha! Looks like someone's hungry here! Well, what do you say we get something to eat and you can start asking me during our dinner? "I, flushed with embarrassment, nodded.

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