Chapter 9 - The Royal Library and the Second Prince

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When Bill left, there was only me, Tad, and two maids in the room. After the whole situation, I was afraid to look him in the face.
After all, he saw me and Bill naked and how he - AAAGH! I didn't even want to think about it!

But Tad showed no signs of embarrassment. On the contrary, he was completely calm. As if he was used to this. The man turned to the maids with the words, "You there. Go for the doctor. "The maids nodded wordlessly and left the room. Then he turned to me. "My future queen, you must be hungry. Would you like to eat now or will you leave it until later? "he asked. " Oh, later is good for me. And please don't call me like that. Just call me Dipper. "I answered quickly. I didn't like it when someone called me like that. I had no intention of ruling alongside Bill. After all, sooner or later, I was about to escape. The man smiled at me. "All right, Dipper it is. Oh, that reminds me I forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Tad Strange. I am the Pharaoh's right hand and the royal counselor. If you need anything, I'm at your disposal. "He spoke in Egyptian, but with a slight foreign accent. He also did not forget to bow. I had to admit he was very well behaved. I tried to guess how old he must have been. He was definitely older than Bill. Maybe 28, maybe 30? He was also quite tall. He was over 180 cm, which was not the same height as Bills, but he was taller than me (who was glad for his 175 cm). There were signs of muscles on his tanned body, and his black hair was delicately brushed. He was not half bad.

I wasn't the only one looking at the other. Tad's cold blue eyes followed me from head to toe. His serious look made me nervous. "W-what? Do I have something on my face? "I asked, and the man raised an eyebrow. "Oh no, no! I'm sorry, I've just never seen someone with such pale skin. Plus, this is the first time Pharaoh's interested in anyone. So I'm just curious. "He began to apologize. I just shook my head. "No, it's okay. You don't have to apologize. "But then I replayed Tad's last sentence in my head again. "Wait, you mean he's never been with anyone before?" I wondered. Tad laughed nervously at the question. He had a sign of blushing on his cheeks. "Well, not that he's never been intimate with anyone. I've seen him in bed with other men a few times. But this is the first time he wants to get married. You probably know that our Pharaoh is not much into traditions. The fact that he got engaged to you makes you quite unique, you know? "He explained.

Yes, what I found out during my stay here, he definitely liked being able to do things his way. But why did he choose me? Was it all because of the agreement? No, it couldn't be that. Yes, he had to get married to rule as a real pharaoh, but that didn't mean he had to marry ME. I was sure that if he wanted to, he would definitely find someone better. It was a mystery to me.

Oh, that's right, wedding! "Tad? I want to ask you about that whole wedding thing. When is it going to take place? "I asked. I wanted to know how much time I had to escape. I definitely didn't plan to stay here. And this morning convinced me more than enough.

Tad looked at one of the papyri he was holding. "Well, I discussed it with the royal astronomers yesterday. Due to your injury and also Pharaoh's approaching 26th birthday, they determined that the wedding should take place during the next full moon. So in about a month. "He read aloud.

One month. Well, it wasn't much time.

But before I could ask anything else, the royal doctor had already entered the room. It was an older bald man with a cane in his hand and a bag in the other. "So where is he?" He asked. Tad took a step to the side and pointed toward the bed I was sitting on. "Here, Doctor. Please look at him. "He told the doctor, and the old man came slowly to me. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach from nervousness. I never liked doctors. The way they looked at me always seemed scary to me. Although this old man looked like a pretty nice man, I could no longer get rid of my fear. "Don't worry, sir." The man spoke to me as he began to pull things out of his bag. He smiled slightly at me. "I'll just take a look at it. It will not hurt. At least not much. Hehe. "

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