᪥ Chapter Three

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Jeno finishes getting ready and opens his door before going out, he fixes his clothes and begins walking.

It's his first day, and he's nervous if he's being honest –which he is. He barely got any sleep last night and got ready too early just because he was worried he'll overslept.

He abruptly stops somewhere down the hallway, he looks around as he stood at the center.

Each hallway looked all the same, and he forgot which way he even came from, let alone which is the right or left.

"Lost?" He flinched at the voice and turns around to see the prince. He mentally face palms himself and bowed.

"Good morning your highness," he greets and cleared his throat. "U-uhm, sort of," he rubs his nape awkwardly answering the prince's previous question.

Jaemin hums, "that's normal, no need to worry. You'll get used to it, but for now you can ask anyone around for directions. Even me," he winked playfully.

The servant blushed in pink and blinked, "y-you?" He asked shyly.

Jaemin smiled admiring the boy's long lashes and the blush on his cheeks. Cute.

"Yes, of course me." Jaemin said, "is there any other prince that you serve around here?" He said teasingly.

The servant widens his eyes and shook his head furiously. Jaemin chuckled, "thought so," he shrugged.

"W-what will I be doing first your highness?" Jeno asked clueless on his duties for the prince.

The prince bit the inside of his cheek, "didn't I gave you the schedule last night?" He asked.

Jeno's eyes widen again and blushed in embarrassment. "This boy sure does likes to widen his eyes and blushes easily a lot," Jaemin thought.

"M-my apologies sire," Jeno bowed and lowered his head after.

Jaemin chuckled and pats his shoulder, "no need to apologize doll, it's all normal." He reassured.

Jeno pursed his lips and felt something in his tummy when he heard the pet name that was given to him.

"Now, what does the schedule say?" Jaemin said leading the boy to the hallway on his right.

Jeno takes the scroll that was in his little satchel and reads the schedule. "Breakfast sir," he answered.

The prince nodded in acknowledgment, "well that's already done. What's next?" He chuckled when Jeno raised a brow at him, "I already ate early, sweetheart," he grins.

Jeno tries to ignore the slight flirting and clears his throat, "w-well it says you have study next." He informs.

Jaemin sighed and leads them to the library. He is not a fan of studying, not ever, even when he was young.

He would always try to sneak around the castles or find any excuse to avoid spending time in the library for the whole morning.

Now though, he is not the young prince that would get scolded for playing in the mud or getting dirty. He is now the young crown prince that would get in trouble if he didn't participate in events.

He's a grown adult now, He needs to be mature and grow up, He needs to learn and take responsibilities for the near future. Especially when it's for their kingdom.

Jeno opens the library door with a struggle as he was already sweating a little. Jaemin had a smile on his face seeing his servant being a little bit of a fool and clumsy.

The prince chuckled and held Jeno's arm gently pulling him away from the door, "Let me," he insists and pushes the huge door with ease.

Jeno's jaw drop and flickers his gaze between Jaemin and the door that he was struggling to open with.

The prince laughed and beckons him to follow as the servant sighed and obeyed following the boy to one of the couches as they both sat down and waited for Jaemin's sort of teacher.

Jeno watches one of the chef's finishing up the snacks that was for the prince who was still in his studies.

"And that's done!" Irene, one of the castle's chef cheered wiping her hands on her apron.

The servant arranges the plate of freshly baked brownies and the glass of juice on the silver tray, "thank you so much noona!" He smiled.

Irene smiles back nodding at him as he heads back to the library to serve the snacks for the royal prince who was probably starving by now.

Jeno had only been in the castle for almost two days, yet he knows which people he could trust and whom not so much.

Irene was one of them as she had a motherly side that always seems to jump out whenever she saw Jeno. The boy felt blessed at that since he didn't have a proper mom and childhood.

The chef was one of many, many people's favorite. She had that vibe where she could be scary but also is actually the sweetest lady around.

Irene had introduced herself first when Jeno went to the kitchen with Jaemin yesterday when the prince showed him around.

Once they met, Irene had baked some cookies for the young lad and treated him like a baby a lot, she had also jokingly claimed that she was going to adopt him.

They have gotten to know each other and clicked after a while. Jeno was like Irene's son, and the lady was like the servant's mother.

It was a cute bond really, and a shocking one to a few people also. Jeno was slightly baffled when a few people and even Jaemin had explained to him that Irene didn't always liked men.

So for the lady to instantly have a mother like affection towards the servant with open arms, it was a bit shocking.

Jeno stops at the door and groans, how is he going to open the huge door when his hands are occupied? Hell, he still struggles even when he has open hands.

He pursed his lips ready to call and maybe cringe at himself since he's not the audible and talkative person, he hasn't even tried screaming at someone yet.

A hand was placed on his lower back making him flinched and almost drop the tray of goods before turning to look at the person.

It was one of the castle guards, Renjun, also one of the people Jeno could trust as the older had been kind enough to be by his side and not only the prince.

The chinese was like a brother to him, he had a brotherly affection towards the younger as if he doesn't have any siblings.

"I'll help," Renjun smiled and opened the door for him. Jeno smiled back kindly thanking him before beading inside to serve the snacks.

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