᪥ Chapter Ten

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Jaemin smiles as Jeno places some food on his silver plate while gently taking a knife, "careful darling," he murmured glancing around to see if his parents had noticed.

Luckily, they didn't. His father was immersed into a conversation with Donghyuck whilst the queen was in her own world.

Jeno hummed at the crowned prince and began slicing some edible pieces of food for the elder, carefully. He finishes and stands up with his posture straight even though his back ached.

"Thank you sweetheart," Jaemin whispered in to Jeno's ear with a small peck in a discreet way as he grins when the younger blushed.

He turns back to his plate that was now filled with food as he starts to eat his breakfast whilst trying to listen to the king's words.

"Jaemin-ah," the king called receiving a hum from his son. "You have a few errands at the town today, will that be okay?" He asked.

"What will I be doing father?" Jaemin asked as he took his table napkin to wipe off the sauce on his mouth.

The king hummed, "well you'll just be walking around and check the people in the kingdom and maybe buy some flowers for the garden," he said.

"Will Jeno be joining?" The crowned prince asked again trying not to sell out anything as he could hear Jeno's little "huh?" From his side.

The king had a look for a moment making both the crowned prince and the servant nervous, "of course he will, he's your servant after all. Is he not?"

Jaemin bit back a grin, "just checking father," he replied as he sneaks a glance at his secret lover who was looking away but with his face red.

The king hummed but his gaze was fixed at Jeno for a few seconds before nodding, "just don't wonder off, who knows what will happen," he added as a warning.

Jaemin sighed but nodded obediently anyways, he quickly finishes up his breakfast as he listens to his father and mother's conversation.

The crowned prince steps down first on the royal carriage as he held out a hand towards Jeno who gave a scolding glare.

He ignored it with a charming smile while helping the servant step down the carriage as he looks around to see the town's people bowing at him.

He just gave a nod as he fixed his coat and turns his head towards Jeno who was holding a list, "where off to first doll?" He asked grinning.

Jeno's eyes go wide before discreetly kicking the crowned prince's left calf as he coughed awkwardly, "well you have to go check the town's library and make some plans for it as it seems to be in a low business."

Jaemin grunts not liking the idea of making plans on his own as it will be for everyone in the kingdom.

The servant noticed as they started walking around with a few people greeting them while the two men were side by side.

"Don't be too upset your highness, I'm sure you'll do great," he reassures as he catches up to Jaemin's footsteps when they walk through a crowd.

The crowned prince only sighed softly before beckoning the younger to follow him even though he doesn't know the way towards the town's library.

"Is that all?" The man in the flower shop, Jungwoo, asked as he hands out a few bunches of lilacs at the royal servant with a gentle smile.

Jeno nodded smiling back with his own gentle and unique smile as he gently gives the flowers towards the two other guards that came along with them, Mark and Hendery.

"Please be gentle," Jeno instructs and winced when Mark accidentally smooshed the flowers in his arms as a few stems snapped, earning a glare from Jaemin.

The royal guard chuckled awkwardly, "my apologies," he said as he and Hendery walked to the carriage and place the herbs there as the latter was laughing at him.

Jaemin rolled his eyes at them before waiting for Jeno to finish paying, which was having a bit of a situation with the flower boy right now.

"You can just pay half of the price No-yah," Jungwoo said watching the younger boy count a few dollars.

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows, "nonsense hyung, just because we're friends doesn't mean I can just pay half of the price for nothing. I feel like I'm taking advantage hyung," he pouted.

Jungwoo chuckled as he pushed back Jeno's hand that was full of paper dollar bills which contains the total of his payment. "I insist."

The young servant's pout deepens, "hyung," he whined really not liking the idea of his hyung who was just insisting to not pay the full price.

"Jeno, you always do this." Jungwoo laughed, "you seemed to have the habit of putting other people first before you dear one, even if you don't get anything back," he said.

Jeno clicked his tongue, "hyung please, just accept the money. It's only fair and reasonable," he begged unconsciously bopping up and down as he whined.

Suddenly, a hand pushed Jeno's own towards the flower boy's chest as the servant felt an arm wrapped around his waist.

"How about we pay half of the price for today," Jaemin's husky voice echoed through Jeno's ear giving him shivers down his spine.

Jungwoo gave a look as if the crowned prince was taking his side, which is at first. "But sire," Jeno pouts again looking up at his secret lover who only chuckled.

Jaemin then grins at Jungwoo who was still smirking at them especially towards the whining humble servant, "and we'll pay extra next time," he added.

The flower boy huffed watching Jeno suddenly lit up and jumps in excitement, "fine," he sighed. "If it makes the young lad feel better," he added taking the money.

Jeno was beaming as he bowed at Jungwoo who only chuckled at his behavior, the servant thanks him before leading Jaemin back inside the royal carriage.

Once they got in, Jaemin turns his head and gave a quick yet loving kiss on Jeno's temple as the latter heats up at the affection.

"Humble boy hm?" He whispered as the small curtains were now closed and watching the younger squirm. "Very cute," he comments with a grin.

Jeno scoffed, "shush your highness, we're heading back to the castle now," he said shyly but was playing with Jaemin's fingers out of habit making the elder kiss his cheek again.

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