᪥ Chapter Seven

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Jeno got out of the king's headquarters and rushes towards the nearest bathroom as he locked himself in while he checks if no one was around.

He heads to the sink and turns on the faucet splashing the water onto his face and winced at the coldness for a bit.

He turns the faucet off and grabs a towelette that was already prepared there and dabs it gently on his face. He sighed staring at himself on the mirror and pursed his lips.

"It's fine," he reassures himself and stayed there in the restroom for a few more minutes until he's ready to leave.

Jaemin waits for his servant as he sat on his bed, he glances on the clock and furrowed his eyebrows. 10:34 pm. Jeno's supposed to be here by now.

No sign of the servant joining him for the night like they usually do, Jaemin couldn't help but wonder. Why isn't Jeno coming? He said he didn't have anything to do after, or did he lie?

The prince shrugged the thought off and slapped his cheek lightly, "gosh, you're already growing a crush on him," he muttered to himself.

Not wanting to cause or assume anything, the prince decided to just sleep early and will talk about Jeno's odd absence tomorrow.

A knock was heard from Jaemin's bedroom door. He rubbed his eyes and grabs his robe putting it on around his body.

He walks slowly towards his door and almost bumps into a few objects on the way–or well near him, whether it was a feet away from him or not.

The prince answers the door and almost immediately, his lips turned upwards at the sight of his beloved servant.

"Good morning, sire," Jeno greeted shyly and coughed awkwardly when Jaemin was just staring at him with a foolish grin.

"Do you want me to prepare your bath for today, your royal highness?" He asked avoiding the prince's gaze as he could feel his cheeks heating up.

Jaemin blinked a few times and cleared his throat, "ah, yes of course," he said stepping aside and lets the servant inside his bedroom following the boy's figure.

Jeno could feel the prince's gaze fixed on him making him so shy and embarrassed, he quietly yet quickly heads to the bathroom to prepare Jaemin's bath.

Jaemin waits for his servant to finish and smiled a little when Jeno looked so focused on his outfit for today. Which was literally like any other outfit he has ever worn.

Once Jeno was done, he bowed and was about to head out the room to wait for the crowned prince to finish getting ready until a firm grip was on his wrist stopped him.

He turns around and comes face to face with Jaemin who was looking at him and his robe slightly open revealing a bit of his chest area.

The servant blushed as Jaemin spoke up, "I need a word with you later, no-yah," he said with a stern gaze yet his voice was soft.

Jeno gulped and nodded, "of course sire," he said obediently and felt like he really needed to pee at the gaze Jaemin was giving him and the butterflies in his stomach.

He begins to turn and walks out but Jaemin yet again, stops him and had the audacity to lean in to his ear. "By the way, I basically gave you the privilege to call me by my name, darling."

Jeno coughed and pulled away with his face burning up and his back was facing the crowned prince who was grinning at the younger.

"Y-yes sir," Jeno stuttered and fixes his clothes like he has just finished playing, "breakfast is ready, I'll be outside waiting your highness," he said and rushes out.

Jaemin chuckled at the nervous state of his servant that he caused, "I'll see you in a bit, sweetheart," he snickered and could hear Jeno let out a squeak as he slapped himself. Hmm, cute.

The prince sighed after he had just finished a few of his studies and glances at his private teacher, "can I take a walk for a bit?" He asked.

His teacher, Doyoung, didn't seemed satisfied of how he chose his words. "I don't know, you have legs don't you, your highness?" He said with sarcasm hidden in his tone.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and heard the elder tsked noticing his actions. "Fine," he grumbled, "may I take a walk for a bit, sir?" He grits his teeth.

Doyoung lets out a snort at the crowned prince who seemed annoyed considering of his stacked schedule for the week and covers his mouth excusing his noise in embarrassment.

"Yes, you may, sire," Doyoung gestures for the prince who sighed and stretched for a bit. "Don't take too long, you–"

"My father, the king, will scold me if he notices that I'm at another place when I'm supposed to be here or in a duty work and will add more time, yes, I know," Jaemin interrupts.

Doyoung chuckled and nodded at him, "very well then, 20 minutes is all I can give you I'm afraid. Your father is outside, probably ordering the other staffs around," he informed.

The crowned prince rolled his eyes, he really doesn't have much liking towards his father. That man is his parent, yet at the same time he felt like a stranger to him.

Jaemin quickly excuses himself and heads out the library as he walks around the hallway trying to find a certain brunet boy.

It seemed like God had felt bad for him, just a little bit perhaps. A few books have fell on the ground as the sound echoed through the walls.

Whilst that was happening, the body that collided with his own stumbles back almost falling if he didn't had quick reflexes and caught the figure in a split second.

Their position was very cliché, like one those romantic films or novels in the library he has saw a glimpse of.

Jeno's body was leaned back with his right foot supporting his weight and his arms around the prince while the latter had his arms around his waist gripping them tight.

"Are you okay?" He asked, Jeno nodded and coughed awkwardly when both of them didn't even moved an inch.

Jaemin quickly stood up and helps Jeno pick up the fallen books on the ground as he could see the boy blushing visibly with the sunlight hitting his skin through the huge windows.

He looked so beautiful and ethereal that Jaemin had almost lost control of himself.

He looked so beautiful and ethereal that Jaemin had almost lost control of himself

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