᪥ Chapter Eight

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It's been a few weeks now and yet Jeno still is cancelling their usual old midnight hangouts together with multiple and easily believable excuses he could muster up.

This time around, Jaemin was supposed to be back inside his respective room sleeping since he has a few duties tomorrow like always. Especially since his coronation is getting nearer.

But guess what? Instead of laying in bed and getting some rest like he was ordered to do so he wouldn't get in trouble and get tired the next day, He sneaks out.

It was already passed 10 PM, maybe somewhere around the time of 11-12 PM as Jaemin opens the door carefully and silently looking around the hallway.

It was dead silent, majority of the people around the castle must be in a deep slumber by now except for a few staffs especially the castle guards.

But Jaemin, oh dear crowned prince Na Jaemin, decided to be a rebel for once in his life as he rushes towards Jeno's headquarters.

He arrives and lifts his fist up knocking the hard wooden door softly as the sound echoed through the dark empty hallway.

He waits patiently, well sort of, he was actually really eager to see his personal servant and ask the question he has been wondering about for the past few weeks since this whole scenario has happened.

The sound of the door being unlocked knocks him back to reality as a slightly small body with a brown blob of hair opens the door with tired eyes behind his glasses.

Jaemin's breath hitched, how can someone still be so angelic and beautiful even when they just woke up from disturbance in an unusual hour?

He doesn't know, nor does he mind, because he couldn't stop thinking about how adorable his servant looked who rubbed his eyes behind his glasses with a yawn, seemingly sleepy.

"Your highness?" Jeno mumbled as he blinked a few times to focus hus vision.

Jaemin smiled softly, "good evening Jeno-yah," he greets as he chuckled when the boy lets out another yawn.

The servant bowed sleepily, almost falling face first on the hard concrete floor if it weren't for Jaemin's arms catching him.

"Ah, my deep apologies sire," Jeno said feeling embarrassed as he could feel his cheeks heating up.

The crowned prince huffed, "don't apologize for nothing, darling," he said and smirks.

He then lifts Jeno's chin up by his index finger, "and didn't I order you to call me by my name instead of formality when it comes between us?" He asked teasingly.

Jeno flushes even more as he coughed awkwardly, "ah– right, I'm sorry Jaeminnie," he said shyly looking away from the elder's strong gaze.

The crowned prince grins triumphantly, "very well done sweetheart," he said rubbing under Jeno's chin using his finger.

"My apologies si– I mean Jaeminnie, but may I help you with something at," Jeno paused glancing at the clock, "11:46 pm?" He continued with furrowed eyebrows.

Jaemin hummed and held Jeno's hand out of the blue making the boy confused yet feeling butterflies in his stomach. "I need you to come with me to my room, darling," he said.

Jeno tilts his head with his hair flopping to his side and his glasses falling to the edge of his boopy nose. "Why so Jaemin? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes," Jaemin answered immediately without thinking. Jeno widened his eyes in worry and the elder couldn't help but coo, "I need answers sweetheart."

Jeno made a "huh?" Sound before the crowned prince drags him back to his room quickly without any explanation.

The door shuts in Jaemin's room as the owner leads Jeno to his bed, "Jaem–" the younger started.

"I need you to be honest with me darling," Jaemin interrupts sternly making Jeno feel a shiver down to his spine. "Why haven't you been going here every night like we used to?"

Ah, Jeno should've expected this beforehand. It was quite obvious for the both of them that the servant was seemingly trying to avoid any private time with the crowned prince for weeks.

Jaemin seemed upset about that as he watches Jeno bit his lip but keeping quiet. He sighed and lifts the boy's chin up again, "care to tell?"

"I've been busy," Jeno excuses pathetically as Jaemin hummed but not buying the bluff.

"Is that so?" Jaemin asked tracing his thumb under Jeno's eye gently, staring at the servant with a look. "Then explain why your schedule says otherwise?"

Shit. Jaemin was a smart cookie this time. It seems like the crowned prince had checked his servant's schedule before the latter could even check it himself. Darnit.

"I don't like liars Jeno-yah," Jaemin said making the servant frown in guilt.

Jeno held Jaemin's wrist and looked up with plead in his eyes, "I'm sorry your highness! I-I was ju-just scared to get in trouble since your parents are home, my deep apologies! Please don't fire me, sire!" He begged.

Jaemin looks at Jeno's eyes searching for any signs of lies but found nothing. The servant seemed mortified at the thought of being fired and therefore panicked.

"Calm down sweetheart, I'm not firing you," Jaemin said cupping the boy's face gently. He stares at his eyes pausing for a minute, "ever." He emphasized.

Jeno gulped with a long continuous nod as he could breathe a bit more again, relief rushing through his body. Yes, he's not fired.

They stayed there for a moment as Jaemin couldn't take it anymore while Jeno on the other hand was waiting, for something.

"May I ask two more things?" Jaemin said with a mumble flicking his gaze towards Jeno's eyes as the boy was still holding his wrist.

The servant nodded obediently, "of course Jaeminnie," he answered softly rubbing Jaemin's wrist with his thumb.

"Do you perhaps have any interest on someone? Around the castle or not, just– anyone at all?" Jaemin asked with his tone low.

Jeno swallowed dryly, "yeah," he answered truthfully yet also shyly as he blushes in deep red again.

Jaemin hummed, "may I know who that person is?" He asked with his eyes shining with something Jeno couldn't describe.


"Truthfully Jeno-yah," Jaemin said with his tone still low and stern. "I want you to be truthful, darling," he said as Jeno gulped.

"I-it's," Jeno starts before thinking, you know what? Fuck it. He shuts his eyes and spills, "you sire," he breathes out as Jaemin went silent. "It is you who I have interest o–"

Knock knock.

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