᪥ Chapter Six

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Jaemin and Jeno have made a small secret routine of theirs since that night, the prince would wait for his servant every night at 10 o clock as they spend the night together.

Jeno would bring his little box of items and show it off while explaining or sharing stories to the prince who would listen and stare at his servant until the latter would notice with blush on his cheeks.

They kept this on for months, talking and spending their time together alone.

The two had surprisingly grew closer to the point Jeno would unconsciously sit closer to the prince who doesn't mind and would sometimes let the boy sit on his lap.

They didn't talk about it though, it was simple skin ship the two had developed through the past few months. But it's not like they weren't complaining.

This night was different though, Jeno looked really tired after his long duties around the castle as Jaemin was busy with his royal part of duties.

Jaemin had noticed how tired the boy was and insisted that they could cancel their routine just for tonight so Jeno could get some sleep.

Of course, with them getting to know each other so much more, Jaemin had forgotten how Jeno could be so stubborn sometimes.

"No," Jeno shook his head but it seemed like it was more for him to shake the tiredness away. "I can stay, I'm not tired," he said letting out a yawn.

Jaemin rolled his eyes and flicked the boy's forehead making him wince, "just go back to your room and get some rest, we'll meet up tomorrow and just cancel this tonight."

The servant pouted as Jaemin groaned, "Jeno," he started drawling the younger brunet's name. "As your prince, I order you to go back to your room and sleep." He said.

Jeno then pouted even more and grabbed Jaemin's hand between his palms, "but sire~" he said cutely and looks up.

The prince was still not convinced, but in the inside he's really trying to not coo. "Jeno Lee, I order you to go–". He started.

Jeno interrupts him by laying his head on the prince's shoulder as he picked on the elder's fingers while looking up through his long lashes, "please~" he said.

The prince gulped dryly for a moment and stared at the puppy eyes the brunet was giving him. "Oh goddammit, fine!" He muttered in defeat.

Jeno grins and pulls away opening his little box while cheering for himself on the inside. "Thank you, your highness," he giggled.

Jaemin was not even surprised at this point, if he's being honest with you. Which he definitely is.

He sighed staring at the now sleeping brunet who's head was on his chest as he held on one of the photos and his stuff was thankfully stuffed back inside his little box that was on the floor.

Jeno had fallen asleep right in the middle of his story about his dad, Jaemin was listening and very intrigued since the two haven't discussed the boy's family at all.

As Jaemin was listening, Jeno's eyes started getting droopy whilst blinking slowly before finally closing them as he fell asleep.

Jaemin decided to clean up the boy's items and kept it in the box except for the one photo he was holding onto.

And here he is, laying on his bed past midnight, with Jeno's head laying on his chest as he snored away with a little bit of drool.

The prince didn't want to disturb the boy since he already knew he was exhausted. Thus, he let's Jeno sleep with him, or well in correction, sort of on top of him for the night.

He knew there would be consequences of this simple and innocent thing. They've been hanging out in secret, without the king and queen knowing a clue.

And now Jeno's asleep in his room, which shouldn't be happening since it's castle rules. The king had mentioned that way beforehand.

Yet, it still happened. Worst part is, well for the king anyway, the prince and his servant are sharing his bed together, with no boundaries whatsoever.

So if they would get caught, then they are in for some trouble. Especially for Jeno. He's new, there's a chance he would get a bigger punishment or even worse, get fired.

Meanwhile, Jaemin could only get extra duties while being stuck in the castle grounds for a week as his punishment.

"Jeno-yah," Renjun called as he entered the kitchen looking for the crowned prince's servant.

The missing boy looked up from watching Irene make the dough whilst teaching the boy who she found as her own son, on how to make it.

"Yes, Renjun? Is there anything that you need for my help with?" Jeno asked politely as Irene paused her movements for a moment.

The castle guard shook his head, "it is not me that asked to call you," he said straightening his posture. "The king has called for you, Jeno-ssi," he said.

Jeno raised a brow, "oh? Do you know why the royal majesty called for me? Isn't Donghyuck his servant?" He asked with wonder.

Renjun pursed his lips, "I'm afraid you have been caught by an act, No-yah," he said with sympathy.

Jeno widened his eyes, "I'm in trouble?!" He exclaimed yet his voice wasn't that loud anyways. "This can't be! What did I do, hyung?" He asked pleadingly.

Renjun sighed patting his head, "it was something about with the prince, yet I'm not so sure, dear." He said as Jeno looked terrified.

Jeno didn't like getting in trouble, it was always so embarrassing and one of the worst moments for him. He has never gotten in trouble a lot, he was always too scared to misbehaved.

And now he's panicking. Not only did he get in trouble, but he accidentally and of course with no intentions at all, dragged the crowned prince into this, his ruler.

Irene wiped her hands clean and hugged him, "hey, don't worry too much about it. It will be fine, and if it doesn't, then share with details to us, yeah?" She said.

Jeno took a deep breath and nodded, he fixed his appearance and bids his farewell for now towards his two friends of the castle staffs.

He chuckled a bit with his mood lightening up just a little when he heard Irene scold Renjun, "why did you have to inform this now?! We were on the shaping and baking part!"

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