᪥ Chapter Eighteen

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"behave son," the king scolded when Jaemin didn't stop fidgeting on his spot as he grumbled some incoherent words. "You're meeting your future queen today." He reminds.

The crowned prince scoffed, "if I like her, which will never happen." He said taking a glance at his lover who was standing behind him and behaving better than him.

"You will like her, she's pretty and royalty." The king protests trying to convince his son as he gazed at the crowned prince's royal servant.

"That doesn't do much for me I'm afraid," Jaemin said earning a small chuckle from his mother. "I'm just stating this will be a waste of time father, good luck." He added sarcastically at the end.

Soon, a white carriage stopped right at the front of the castle as a footman walked over to open the small doors politely.

A lady with a yellow puffy gown steps down as she had a full makeup look matching it with her countless of shimmery jewelries on her body.

Jaemin hates her already.

To back up with his reasonings later, he bit back a frown when the princess didn't accept the footman's polite hand to help her as she leaves him behind to carry her pet cat which seems to be untamed.

"It's lovely to meet you, your majesty," the king from the other kingdom greets as his daughter was looking around with the slightest disgust on her face. "Very kind of you to give us this opportunity."

"The pleasure is all mine," Jaemin's father said grinning widely and looks at the princess. "Lovely to meet you darling, so very pretty I must say," he compliments.

The princess smiled and bowed down a bit, "why thank you, your highness," she said and introduces herself to Jaemin who looked unpleased. "Pleasure to meet you prince Jaemin, I'm princess Jada."

(A/N: Jada as in Jay-da)

The crowned prince only remained silent and still, not even twitching a small polite smile towards the other royal family. This is absurd.

Jeno pursed his lips and shuffles to his side whispering quickly, "be nice love," he said before moving back on his spot and gave a smile at the guests.

He only received a smile from the king back while the princess glared at him, seemingly disgusted and annoyed at what he did or what she had just saw.

Jaemin didn't fail to notice and had to restrain himself on cussing at Jada, he sighs and stands up straight rolling his shoulders back as he does so. "Nice to meet you Jada," he said curtly.

The queen cleared her throat knowing well that her son is now in a bad mood, not wanting to worsen his day. She decided to just get this over with, "shall you two start your one day together?"

"I'd rather just back down from the throne," the crowned prince muttered earning a glare from the king as Jeno coughed awkwardly behind him. He sighs as he nodded, "the sooner, the better."

Jada smiled happily as she was already looking forward to a day with Jaemin and possibly make the latter fall in love with her as she becomes his queen.

Well sucks to be her because she already had a bad first impression towards the crowned prince. It was all bad while it lasted.

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