᪥ Chapter Fifteen

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Jeno was pouring some fresh hot tea for the Queen's glass earning a knowing smile from the lady resulting him to look away shyly.

Although him and Jaemin had played it as if nothing happened and they weren't just in trouble the previous night, the two of them could feel a somewhat tension in the dining room.

It started off when they both stepped in and immediately earned some attention from the royal majesties.

Both adults obviously knew about it, though, the opinions and reactions are different.

The king had a strict look in his eyes as he had his gaze settling on his son before moving towards Jeno, weirdly longer and more intimidating.

The dark gaze was scary and resulted Jeno to feel a shiver down his spine in a bad way, feeling his stomach churn and gulping nervously seeing the dark eyes trailing up and down his body as he felt exposed and disgusted.

The Queen atleast was supportive and had a soft look on her face with a genuine smile as she greeted the both of them a "good morning".

However, that wasn't the only tension in the room. There seems to have been something going on between the two adults themselves.

The two hadn't really looked at each other in a way, the look in their eyes changed once they glance at the other as there were some words aimed towards their partner.

Jaemin had a guess, and he just hopes it was right and it will possibly occur. Because he's honestly tired of some certain things here, specifically his own family.

Donghyuck was standing up straight behind the king's chair, looking tired and bored at the same time.

He greeted the newcomers silently with a smile as he also mouthed a few pitiful words especially from what he has done that night. Which was absolutely nothing.

"Jaemin-ah," the king called taking a sip on his grape juice looking at the said boy.

The crowned prince hummed in response, feeling irritated and holding a grudge towards the elder from what he did.

Earning a moment of silence, Jaemin sighed and looked up, "yes father?" He smiled forcefully that he felt like his teeth were about to break from the amount of pressure.

"Since your coronation is coming very near, I have decided to invite a lovely princess from another kingdom to be your future queen." The king said.

Jeno almost drops the tea kettle in his hands muttering an apology towards the queen who didn't mind at all. She was too busy glaring at her husband.

Jaemin widened his eyes, "pardon me?" He exclaimed appalled at the sudden news. Although, he heard it the first time and his hands were already clenched into fists.

"You heard me son, a lovely princess will be here tomorrow and you two will be spending the day together as she will be your future wife." The elder repeated emphasizing the words.

The queen huffed aloud, "I don't think we should force Jaemin into having a relationship with someone he barely knows. Let him be and he will choose his own partner to rule this kingdom."

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