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                  Kirishima pov.

"......well it's been five years since graduation everyone in our class is either twenty three or twenty at the moment.  Let me just run you though what happened. We graduated from high school. One of the best things was during the end of our second year Kat was able to talk it out with Midorya and they become good friends again but you probably know that part. About a year later Midorya and Ochako got engaged, I wasn't surprised since they'd already exchange promise rings. Any way they got married and had their daughter Reiko she was already famous before she was born being the daughter of the number one hero and all. But she's so sweet and has amaizing quirks, she has Midorya's green hair, eyes and freckles, she looks so much like him. Two years after Denki proposed to Jirou and a few months after Sero proposed to Mina. They had a cute double wedding at the beach. and Mina found out she was pregnant. Of course I'm gonna be the godfather. Anyway the rest from our class ended up with other people oh except todoroki and Momo, todoroki proposed to her like three weeks ago. I'm super happy for them. I live with my boyfriend Katsuki Bakugo. We haven't told the world we're dating yet. Just close friends and family. The world just knows we're best friends not even that we live together, but there's the shippers who ship us together, it doesn't help that they do know I'm bi. Other than that I don't think anything much has really happened outside of hero work. Anyway how've thing been?" I said excitedly into the phone. "Ehhhh they've been pretty uneventful" she says shrugging. "Oh come on Nabi you have to have more to tell me it's been about nice years since we last talked" Nabi was my middle school best friend. She was a lot like Kat although we'd fallen out of touch when she moved away, but we bumped into each other earlier.

Five hours ago

I walked into the coffee shop with my hood up hopping nobody would recognize me. It was a small shop in the corner so not many people would come here. It was nice and quiet. "Morning" I said enthusiastically "morning sir what can I get you today" the usual" I said still not making eye contact. "Ummmm sir I'm new here so I don't know your usual....yet"  "oh sorry I'll have a black coffee extra cream thought" I said looking up. Avoiding  eye contact "wait I know those crimson eyes anywhere" she said excitedly. Oh no she recognized me. Down side of being the number 5 hero people recognize you a lot. "Red riot.....Ejirou" I looked at her when she said my name. The public knew my name but nobody had ever addressed me by it especially not my first name. That when it hit me "those green eyes the bright smile.....Nabi" "you remember me?" She asked making my coffee. "Of course how could I forget my best friend" I say with a laugh. "Awww I'm still your best friend" she said handing me my coffee "I've missed you though we never talked after I moved we have a lot to catch up on" I nodded smiling as I took out my phone "I've got to go to the agency so put your number I'll call you" she typed it in. I payed and left. Laughing to myself who would have thought I'd run into her again must be fate or something I chuckled to myself and picked up the pace knowing fat gum would kill me if I'm late.


"Ok first of all I moved back here because I got a job I guess, oh and my boyfriend lives here so I moved in with him...I think he went to your school idk" she said bluntly. I was going to ask his name but Then she suddenly got excited "you should let me meet your little boyfriend" she says with a chuckle. "That's a great idea we're actually having a movie night at our place next weekend with out friends you should come"  "that sounds fun.....can I bring my boyfriend with me" "yea sure most of the people coming are couples anyway". I laughed as I unlocked the door to me and Kat's house. We may or may not have gone all out when picking a house I mean it was only the two of us so why did we pick such a big house I don't know.

"Anyway I'm home now save my number don't forget to call me later we still have a lot to catch up on"....."yea yea see you later Erijou" then I hung up and made my way inside.

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