(ch 10.)

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                           Kiri pov
"Ei wake up~" I opened my eyes seeing my dark red eyed ash blonde boyfriend looking at me. I just groned. "Remember we're spending the whole day together come on" he said I lazy got out of bed. And placed a kiss on his lips. "I'll be down in five" I said stepping Into the bathroom to get ready.

When I went down I heard Kat on the phone as I walked in. "Yea thanks Jirou yes I'm just really nervous" I didn't want to esedrop so I just walked in. He smiled at me before saying "yes I'll call you and tell you how it went" before hanging up. "You ready for today?" He asked as I stuffed the bacon he made into my face. "Mhmmm what are we doing though?" I asked as he took a sip of his coffee. "Well I was thinking we could go to the amusement park then out for lunch after that we could do whatever you want until Six then I have a suprise for you" he took another sip. "Ohhh what's this suprise?" "If I tell you it wouldn't be a suprise" he laughed.

We got to the amusement park and I was super excited. We rode many rides took pictures with fans and all then we had lunch. I decided I wanted to spend the time we had before his suprise. We walked around the city going to some of our favorite stores and I bought a lot of stuff so we decided to drop it off then go to his date. He told me to wait in the car as he went to grab something's. I waited scrolling through my phone I he came out with a basket.

"Ready to go?" He go into the driver's seat. "Yea I guess" we talked for a little. "Hey we're close put on this blindfold. He said taking out a blindfold. "Oh blindfold wow" I laughed putting it on. "We're here" I heard after a bout ten minutes. "I heard his door open then close. Then mine opens and a hand grabbed me. "Be careful"  he said leading me up what felt like a I was sinking in sand. "Ok you can take it off now"

I pulled it off to see a blanket fort with fairy lights around and then I noticed where we we're. "aww Kat this is so beautiful" I said admireing the fort. "I'm glad you like it" he said motioning for me to sit down. "You like it?" He asked as we sat and looked at the ocean. "Yea it's beautiful you know I love the beach" I laugh resting my head on his lap as he plays with my hair.

"Hey Kat why did you do all this.... not that I don't like it but I'm just curious?" I asked looking up at my boyfriend who shrugged and stood waking near water but not too close. "Come here" he said. I stood and joined him. "Look over there our isn't it beautiful" he smiled. "Yea it is" I giggled.

"Hey Ejirou you know I love you right?" He asked causing my to look at him he rarely called me my full name. "Yes and I love you too". I smiled kissing him. Lightly before turning back to the view. "Thanks for this Kat." I smiled looking at the view. "Kirishima Ejirou I love you so much" I turned to Kat and saw him down on one Knee. With a red box inside of it was a ring that had a red gem on it. OMG this isn't happening I put my hand on my mouth.

"And I'm sure I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Listening to your laugh and watching you smile I want to grow old with you so Kirishima Ejirou will you marry me" I cried as I screamed. "YES! YES! I'LL MARRY YOU"  "yes?" he slid the ring on my finger and I jumped on him and kissed him deeply. We laughed as we pulled away then I heard a squeel from the bush and a farmiliar blob of pink hair jumped out of practically thin air.

"I got it on videoooo" she laughed as the rest of our friends came out from behind the bush. "Shinsou you were in on this too?" "Well when I heard he was going to propose I had to come see it and get a video" he shrugged. "Yea plus if I beocome bankrupt I can sell this video for a ton" Denki laughes. "Congratulations guys" Nabi's sqeeled hugging us.

One week

It was all over the news.
'Pro hero's Ground Zero and Red Riot engaged'
I couldn't be happier we had a whole engagement party with all our friends and family. It was amazing. I was engaged to the love of my life and was going to marry him in a few months.

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