(ch 2.)

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                       Blast's pov

Beep. Beep. Bep
That stupid alarm. I'm about to reach out to blow it up again but a hand grabs mine. "Don't even think about I'm not buying another alarm" . "Fine I won't blow up the damn thing" "good" Ei said kissing me as he got out of bed.

I watched him go into the bathroom then heard the shower and some music. I laughed to myself he was always playing music whenever he took a shower and sometimes I could hear him sing. God I love this man so much. I head downstairs and make breakfast, then go up and find Ei in the closet so I go take a quick shower, brushed my teeth, changed into whatever it doesn't matter because once I get to the agency I'll have to wear my hero costume anyway.

I head down pouring myself a cup of coffee. The food was for Ei I'm not really a morning person so I usually just have coffee. "Ei" I call wondering where he is. "At the pool" I hear him shout. I should have known it's his second favorite place in the house after the theater. I walk in and join him. He was sitting with his legs in the water. I just sat cross-legged besides him.

We finished our breakfast talking about what we planned for the day. Turns out we we're patrolling the same side of the city today so maybe we'd see each other. I got in my car driving to the agency. Ei usually left like half an hour later and his agency was closer to the house. 

When I got there I parked and rushed inside not feeling like dealing with fans. Not like I really liked those fucker screaming in my ear all the time but there we're some chill ones. When I entered I was greeted by my side kick.

Atsuko or her hero name Vulcanian. Her quirk well magmstic she can create and control magma which goes well with Mine I guess. She's easy to be around plus she's into girls so things are cool between us somtimes we even hung out as friends. "Sup Baku how's your day" "oh hey Ats ehhhh you know the day just began I'm gonna change into my costume and we can go on patrol" "alright"

                        Kiri pov.

I got ready to leave as I grabbed my keys I was bout to put on my crocs then I remembered

"Ei I love you but if I ever see you wearing those awful excuse for a shoe I will burn all of them. Yes every last pair" Kat said as I was about to wear my crocs "awww fine I'll wear different shoes" I laughed running back up stairs.


As I got to the agency. I remembered a student from U.A. was coming to intern at my agency, and I was supposed to take her on patrol. Man I remembered my internship with fat gum those days were crazy and fun. As I got in Dylan was talking to a girlm she had long blue hair and dark purple eyes  "oh hey boss this is kirihari Aoi the student here for an internship." 

He said smiling "you know what I just noticed?" Kouya asked coming from behind the front desk. He was one of the top hero's in my agency he looked mean but he was a huge softie like some explosive ash blonde I know. "You're both Kiri" "oh yea we are I guess" I laughed "anyway Boss you should get dressed you too Aoi we need to head out on patrol."  "Right please show Aoi where she can get changed" I said walking into my office.

After I got changed I met everyone down by the entrance. "Ok so me and Aoi here will take Ludo street to Hunter street. Tanker and Sandman you guys take sesame street to patterson road. then we'll meet at worth avenue" I said as we stepped out. "Kk see you guys on about two hours then" Tanker said waving at us.

I turned to Aoi "so what's your quirk?....I know I was supposed to read it in the documents you submitted but I wanted to hear it from you" "oh well Red riot-kun my quirk is called atomokinetic hair." "Oh and how does that work?" Well as my hair acting as kind of an antenna of my neural networks I can manipulate the weather. But right now I can only use it for a short amount of time and not like covering huge distances just really small" she said shyly. "Hmmmm can you make a rain cloud?" "Mhmmm" she said then a rain colud appeared infront of us. "Cool that's a pretty awesome power if you use it to you're full potential you can be the number one hero one day." I said clapping my hands together.

"What me? But it's so lame" she said kicking a stone on the side walk."I thought the exact same thing about my quirk when I was your age" I sad rubbing the nape of my neck. "Really? But it's so awesome I mean you're the number five hero that's crazy" she said making an explosion with her hands. "Tell me Aoi have you started working on a special attack?" "No my classmates have but I don't know what to do with my power" she said shrugging. "Well you know when I was talking about using it at full potential?" "Yea I didn't know what you meant exactly"

"well if you keep training I'm sure you'll be able to hold it for longer or even make it big enough to cover like a 200 meter rudius" "you think I can do that?" Yes if you work hard enough...your power is amazing think about it you can probably make lighting or really strong winds and even storms."

" Wow do you have any more ideas I'd like to work hard to be able to do these things then one day I can become an amazing pro hero like you" she said grinning. "Yea sure". As we talked and I was giving her more ideas I heard an alarm go off. "Looks like we're needed be careful and stay by my side ok?" "You got it sir" she said as we run towords the alarm.

There was a jewelry store robbery. I charged at one of the villans ordering Aoi to stay back, until we knew his quirk. After a while I found out his quirk was 'blade' he could remove blades from his knuckles. Against me it was nothing so I decided to let Aoi try.

"Aoi I need you to create a small cloud above him and strike him with lighting" I said looking back at her for a second then back to the villan.

"Umm ok" a small could apreered above him but no lighting then the could disapeered. "Sorry I'm just really nervous" she shiged. "It's fine" I run up to the villan knocking him down with one punch and I didn't even use my quirk.

After I defeted him. I let the police hundle him and went back to Aoi.

"Wow that was so cool and you don't even have a scratch on you. I'm sorry I couldn't......" she trailed off looking up at me. "Yea Thanks. But I think it's just amaizing how you can position it where you want so we'll train together and I might invite a pro who has a quirk similar to yours to help"

The rest of the day was ok. We met up with tanker and sandman went back to the agency did some paperwork, helped Aoi train so her body could hundle the moves we we're talking about. Then finally called it a day.

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