(ch 4)

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  Nabi pov (ikr not expecting her pov)

"Babe are you ready we need to leave soon"
"I'm cominggggg" I was getting ready for Ejirou's move night thing. I really wanted to make s good first impression on his friends knowing that they are probably all hero's. "Kk let's go" "finally". We got into the car and I texted Ejirou for the address. As we drove we realized how the houses just kept getting fancier and fancier it was one of the best neighborhoods in the city. "That's it". I said pointing to a big house. "Wow he really went all out ha?" "Mhmmmm" we pulled into the driveway and noticed a few other expensive looking cars. Some people must be here already. Gosh I hope we aren't the last ones. I'd decided to wear black jeans with a white off shoulder and white nike shoes with gold accessories. We walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. He really is living his best life.

                              Kiri pov
I was talking to Mina and Izuku when I heard the door bell. "I'll get it maybe it's Nabi" I did jumping up from the couch. "I'll come too I wanna be the first to greet her"Mina standing up with me. We walked to the door talking as we opened it there Nabi was. "Girllll I missed you so muchhhh" Mina squealed jumping on her. "Yea come on in" I did giving her a hug too. "Wow Ejirou you really went all out ha?" She said jokingly punching me as she looked around the house. I just chucked.

"Hey didn't you say you we're bringing you boyfriend?" I asked looking behind her. "Hm? Oh he forgot something in the car give him a sec" she said taking off her shoes. Just then I heard a car door close and lock. After a while a familiar face was infront of us. "Oh-my-gosh" Mina Jumped bring him into a big hug.

"It's been so long how are you bro?" I said huging him too. "Been alright what about you guys making it as top hero's I'm hella proud of you" he playfully punched each of our arms. "Come in I'm sure everyone will be so happy to see you again we haven't seen each other since U.A.'s reunion" I closed the door behind him as we walked to join the rest in the living room.

"Guys look who's here." I said was we walked in. "This lovely lady is Nabi she went to the same middle school as Me and Mina. And this is her boyfriend...well we all know him since we we're all in the same highschool and hung out a lot" I laughed.

"Oh my Shinsou it's been so long" Izuku said bring him into a hug. "Yea we fell of didn't we?" He asked greeting everyone else. Even Kat seemed happy to see him again. "Hey I'm Uraraka Midorya" "nice to meet you I'm Nabi." They shook hands and everyone introduced themselves. Kat on the other hand didn't say anything until i nudged him to. I don't know why. "Katsuki Bakugou" he said shaking her hand. "Oh yes Ejirou talks a lot about you." She said shaking his hand excitedly.

We talked as we were waiting for the others to arrive see The Sero's which is Mina and Hanta, the Midorya's, and Nabi and Shinsou were the only ones here. As if on que the door bell rang. Kat went to get it and came back with the Kaminari's "sorry we're late some one thought it would be a good idea to drive all the way to the other side of town for breakfast" Jirou said glaring at her husband.

"What it's not my fault they don't have a good waffle house in the area" Denki protested. "Omg Shinsou?!!" Denki almost sqeeled like Mina. "It's been forever" he said giving him a hug while Jirou also greeted him and introduced both of them to Nabi. "Jirou Kamanari...that right there is Denki Kamanari my idiot husband" she said pointing to Denki with her thumb. "Heyyyy I'm not that bad don't listen to her" he said shaking her hand. "So are we gonna get this day stared or what?" Mina asked excitedly

"Actually we're doing the movie at night so right now we're just hanging out at catching up since most of us are always too busy" I said smiling. "Yea that's a great idea" Izuku said plopping down on the couch and we all sat down talking. Then the bell rang again. "Hmmmm we're we expecting anyone else?" I asked as Kat got up. "I don't think so let me just see who's there" he shrugged. We all kept taking Nabi and Shinsou were suprised to find out about Mina's pregnancy since she didn't even look it. But she said since it's not been a month it just isn't showing that much.

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