(ch 5)

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                       Blasty's Pov.
I woke up about to blow up the alarm when I stopped and turned it off normally. There was nobody to stop me I felt so cold and alone the whole night. I was such a fucking idiot why did I lash out at him. I should make him an apology breakfast well that's why I woke up an hour early I guess. I got out and went down he wasn't there so I have an hour to make it. I made his favorite and went up to the room he slept in I knocked no answer. "Ei?" I opened it slowly there was nobody there. Maybe he went another room. I opened all the guest rooms and noticed his car is gone.

He left he really is mad. I mean I did tell him he's being shellfish when it was clearly me. I never puts himself first and I do yet I had the nerve to call him selfish I'm a horrible person.

After I got dressed and left. I was in the car thinking about everything. I decided to call Jirou since she was the one I was closest to in the group. Then she picked up.

"Ha hey what's up" I could hear Denki say something in the background. "I'm sure Ei told you guys what happens last night" I sighed. "Yea he did" she said sounding a little sad. "So I'm this morning he literally left I don't know how many hours earlier just to avoid me" I said putting her on speaker and keeping my eyes on the road. "Well dude I'm not going to pick side's in your fight or anything but I think calling him selfish really hurt him he cried dude how often do you see the Manliest dude you know cry look I'm not trying to make you feel guilty or anything but if you ask me that was harsh and not true" she said hesitantly. I was closest to her because she was chill and spoke the truth.

But I really fucked up he cried because of me. I was supposed to protect him.

"Yea I know I made him his favorite breakfast to apologise but he wasn't there" I stopped at a red light. "I don't know man I mean won't you see him during some meeting you guys are having Denki was going on about it" she shrugged. "Yea but we can't start trying to solve out relationship ship issues during a meeting with he world's top ten hero's" I shrugged.

"Yea I get it focus on work and give him time to cool down but I gotta go to the studio still in the process of making my new album" she sighed. I forgot she does music more than hero work now but she's still a hero, she's mostly know for being one of the best musicians worldwide so as a hero and musician her popularity rank is hella high.  "Thanks" "no problem I hope things work out for you man" then she hung up.

I pulled up to the agency. Went in not bothering to greet anyone. "Ohoo someone's in a bad mood" "fuck off lava girl" she just sighed. "We're leaving for the meeting in about an hour and they said we might have to fight depending on what we decided to do so be ready" "yea whatever give me a sec I'll be down fifteen minutes before we have to go" I said going up the stairs to my office.

We pulled up to Deku's agency. We walked in to the meeting room and most of the hero's and thier sidekicks were already here including a certain red head. But we sat far from each other. Deku talked about some new gang that was hella dangerous and we made a plan to go raid their hideout since one of the hero's at his agency located it. The plan was to take place a week from now he gave us documents with what we knew about them so far. Most of thier quirks we're unknown. When it was done I wanted to talk to him but he was talking to Tokoyami so I just left. I'll talk to him tonight so it's fine.

When everything was done I headed home today wasn't so bad there was villan attack but me and some other hero's handled it no time. So I was headed home. To think last time I headed home from work I wanted to go cuddle Ei, now want to apologise I've felt like a horrible person the whole day.

When I got home I noticed his car was there. I wasted no time rushing inside to find him. "Ei" I called out to him as I searched the rooms and living room. Then I went to the pool. There he was sitting there feet in the water he hadn't noticed me because he had headphones on playing music. I walked up to him slowly making sure not to startle him. "Hey mind if I join you?" I asked refusing to make eye contact as he took of his headphones and paused his music. I look that as a yes and just put my feet in not bothering to roll up to sweatpants.

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