(ch 8.)

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                Boom boom boys pov.

"Well I closed my eyes to brace for impact when I saw the orb like thing coming towards me. Ummmm I think I blacked out because when I opened my eyes I was in an all black space it seemed endless almost. I walked and waled for what felt like hours but never got anywhere so I decided it was best to sit and think of what to do. After some time there was a bright light then a man spoke. He said 'are you ready?' when I asked why he was talking about he responded with 'basically hell' he chuckled. I thought I died to be honest but then the light become so bright I closed my eyes and when I opened them well......I was standing in my childhood bedroom. From there I basically relived the worst moments in my life like the memories that were haunting me. From the time I hurt my eye with my quirk, to when my mom left one day and never came back. All the way to the villan attacks when we were on U.A. to my grandma's death, to arguments I had with those I loved"

when he said that part I made mental note to myself to ask if it was the argument I was thinking of then he continued.

"I was in the middle of one of them. It was the memory of when we we're sidekicks and one of the hero's died. When it was happening there was the same bright light and I was staying in the middle of the street. I thought it was another bad memory but this wasn't something I remembered. So I assumed I was back." He sighed finishing his story.

"Thank you now do you mind I f we ask a few questions?" The chief asked him "not at all go ahead" Ei respond. Ok we'll start with Deku then Ground Zero and I'll go last. Deku straightend up and asked his questions.

" Just a question how were you viewing there memories could you see yourself or were you in your own body?"

"I was in my body"

"Did you try take control to change things?"

"I couldn't as hard as I tried I had not control my body just repeted the movements I did that day"

"Last one. Did everything happen exactly as you remember it?"

"Yes but there was so much detail more than I remember"

"Ok that's it"

I sighed then began my questions.

"I just have two since Deku asked some of the ones I had"

"Ok go ahead"

"How did it move from memory to memory like did the light come back or?"

"After the bad part of the part that haunted me finished I'd blink and when my eyes opened I'd in the next memory"

"Ok and my last one....when you got hurt in the memories could you feel the pain?"

"Yea I could"

The Chief asked similar questions and when we were done. Me and Ei left and went home. "Hey Ei I know it was hard for you to talk about that shit" I looked at my boyfriend. "Yea but it's over now and I'm back here " he smiled.

When we got home everyone was there I forgot about the welcome back party thing. But being honest I had a great time. We had it in the back yard. Most of our friends were there. After most of them left the rest decided to sleep over I let the Kaminari's take one room The Sero's anthother then Nabi and Shinsou. And turns out our kiss was all over the news

 And turns out our kiss was all over the news

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                My precious sharks pov.
                    ( One month later)
"Hey babe I'm going out to meet Jirou be back soon" Kat called. "Alright have fun" I said giving him a kiss and watching him drive away before closing the door.

Him and Jirou we're super close he was even one of the best men at thier wedding I mean so was I. Anyway I just decided to go for a walk. I pulled out my phone and put on some music. See we lived on a street with many pro hero's and celebrities so not many people aren't just aloud to come here . Which is nice because as much as I love my fans sometimes I just want to walk or drive in peace and quiet.

As I walked I decided why not visit Aoi it had been like seven or eight months so I'd want to check up on her progress. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Ojiro who became class 1-A's teacher I just asked if I could stop by tommorow. The responded with. "Sure I'm sure Aoi and the other students would love that" I sent back a quick 'great see ya tomorrow' .

                         Blasty's Pov
When I got to Jirou's house she got in and we left. "I can't believe this is happening and you came to me to help you" she said getting in to the passengers seat. "Well I do trust you the most out of all out idiot friends" I said. As we drove we talked about stuff and made a whole plan. I was planning to suprise Ei. I was thinking about setting up a super romantic date at the beach maybe.

  "This one is really pretty" Jirou said snapping me out of my daze. "Yea I actually like it....you do have it but red-ish" I asked the man behind the counter. "Well I  can have it made my quirk is perfect for this." He laughed. "I just need the details." I handed him the details I'd written down  and watched as he made it. "Wow his quirk is almost like Momo's" Jirou said as we left. I hummed in agreement. We went shopping for the some stuff then we drove back to my place.

We hung out for a while before the rest of the idiots Nabi and Shinsou  joined us they'd really fit into the group and I liked having them around to be honest. We watched movies and even swam for a while.

"Hey do you have plans tommorow?" I ask. He lifts his head from my chest. "Yea I was planning on stopping by the U.A. I promised Aoi I'd visit and Ojiro was cool with it I guess. Why?" So he had plans. "Oh nothing I was just thinking we could spend the day together" he smiled "how about on suturday since tommorow is Friday" he smiled looking at me. "Yea I'd like that" we soon fell asleep in eachothers arms. I missed this.

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