(ch 9.)

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                   Sharkey's pov

I sat in my car looking at the U.A. building infront of me. I wanted to surprise the students so Ojiro said he'd call me once class started. I played music until I heard a knock on my window. And I'm greeted by a farmiliar tail. I get out and greet him as we walk into the school and to the very farmiliar classroom "Wait here" he says as he entered the class room closing the door behind him. I could hear his voice thought the door.

"Class I have a surprise for you someone special had taken time out of their busy schedule to come visit you" then followed my murmers. "Now I'd like you all to behave ok" he sounded really Stern "yes sir". Then I heard my que. "Come in" I fixed the belt on my hero costume and walked in with my shark like smile. I heard gasps and more whispers. When I got to the front and looked around I could see Aoi with a huge smile on her face. She was seated in the middle row next to the window.

"Now before any of you talk let's go around say your name the our guest introduces himself then you can ask some questions" Ojiro said then sat at his desk. "Hey Red Riot here I bet your wondering why I'm here today. Well I made a promise to a certain someone I'd come visit. Plus me and your teacher here a close friends so I thought why not" I smiled. I could she Aoi's face light up when I mentioned the promise.

"Ok you can ask your questions" I said. A lot of hands shot up so I said we'd go in order from the first desk to the last. The girl at the desk closest to the door spoke first.

"Mr Red Red riot are you going to come to our hero training" she asked. I turned to Ojiro who shrugged saying it was ok. "Yes I cleared up my schedule so I can spend the whole day here" the nest boy looked shy and was hesitant to ask.

"What are you want to become a pro hero?" I thought for some time. "See I was hugely inspired by crimson riot and I wanted to become someone who doesn't hesitate to protect others you know" he just nodded and the next spoke they all asked pretty good questions like if I ever thought about dropping out or if I was scared. Then it got to one girl. She had green hair that was super long reminded me of Tsu but her eyes were bright blue. When it was her turn she had a smirk on her face as she asked.

"So are you Gay or like Pan or bi or something?" She asked. I was abit thrown off but when Ojiro noticeed he spoke. "No personal questions change your question or pass" he said looking at her. "Oh ok sorry umm who did you promise that you'd come here?" I looked as Aoi who had a smile on her face. "Oh Umm Aoi here had come for her internship at my agency so I promised her to come check on her progress but thought why not just get to know the whole class" I smiled. The questions when on they were pretty easy to answer and I spent the rest of the day in the back corner of the class observing or in the staff room talking with the teachers

"Alright so it's time for training go change and meet me and red riot at the gym" the students seem farely excited. I didn't know thier quirks yet. Well except Aoi and a few I saw use thier quirks in class.

"Ok so everyone will be spilt up and you'll be practicing on your own for an hour we'll go around helping each student then we have a break and go into one on one sparing the winner gets to challenge the #5 hero." Ojiro announced once we entered the gym. The students seem suprised but of course I'd go super easy on them. But they also seemed really hyped. Then they all went to their spots to train reminds me of us when we were working on our special moves.

When we went to the first girl her name was Entra she gave me serious Mina vibes. We helped each of them improving thier quirks. One kid had name was Ace I think Aoi mention him before he really reminded me of Denki. Except he didn't become dumb or anything just his personality I guess. We get to Aoi. I asked her to show me the moves she's been working on and she's become way better I was really proud of Aoi and how much she's improved. She asked me if we could talk before I leave and I agreed. Once we were done with all the students we let them practice for some more time before the break

We stood in the observation room watching them spar. "Wow these Kids are really good" I say watching them. "Mhmmm you know a lot of them remind me of our class" he laughes. "Me too" I say watching a match Between Ace and another boy I think his name was Phonex. It was an intense match so we're all of them in the end I ended up going against one of the most powerful in thier class according to Ojiro.

I stepped onto the sparing room I could see all the students watching excitedly as we took our positions on opposite sides. When we heard the beep I run towards her slowing my pace I wouldn't use my quirk unless I was on defensive. She was pretty impressive she had the power to re shape any non living thing she touched. As I charged at her she made a wall by touching the ground which I easily broke though without harending anything but my forearm. I let the fight go on for thirty minutes before I tripped her making sure she fell backwards so she wouldn't get hurt. But also so she couldn't get up immediately which I was declared the winer. I praised her because that was pretty impressive.

"Hey Red Riot." Aoi said as she stepped out of the school where I told her I'd be waiting for her. "What up Kiddo" "well first of all I wanted to say thanks I didn't think you'd actually come...not that I doubled you but your a busy hero and all" she said a little nervous. "Hey don't worry about it infact I wouldn't mind visiting once in a while not to often but I'll make Time" I say ruffling her hair. "Really? Wow I'm really thankful but I actually wanted to ask do you'd still want me to come to your agency?" She was hesitant. "Of course I do I mean in like seven months you've improved so much I felt like a proud dad watching you" I laughed. "Thanks" she shly looked at the ground. We talked her telling me about her classmates and funny stories. Turns out Ace was her best friend. She was in the middle of telling me a story when we were inturapted.

"OMG IS THAT RED RIOT" I heard someone scream. "Oh I forgot other students went to that school" I murmured eating a giggle from Aoi before we were swarmed by a bunch of students. "Ok ok everyone please calm down" I said moving away from the group. "Well I was here to see class 1a but it's time for me to go" I said walking toward my car. "See ya later everyone" as I walked past Aoi I ruffled her hair "we'll get to talk soon I promise" I waved goodbye as I watched a bunch of them crowd around her asking questions. I just giggled and got in my car.

When I got home the news was all about my visit to U.A. and all I just Ignored it and went up stairs. I wonder where Kat was. I took out my phone and called him.
"Hey kitten where are you?" I was trying my best not to sound posseive or anything.
"Oh I'm at the Chinese restaurant you like decided to get us dinner be back soon" he said I could hear chatter in the background.
"Ok can we watch a movie and cuddle as we eat?" I asked putting him on speaker and changing into more comfortable clothes. "Yes of course now our order is ready see you soon  I love you"
"I love you too" the. He hung up.

As I waited for him to get home I called Mina and listened to her rumble on about how next week they'd be going to find out the gender. I was supper happy for her and made her promise to tell me as soon as she found out. When I heard Kat get home I rushed down. "Kitten" I jumped on him giving him a big hug then a kiss before pulling away and helping him with he bags of food In his hands.

"Well did you decide what you want to watch?" He asked as we sat down takeout boxes on our laps. "Well I saw this anime called 'a silent voice' sounds nice plus Mina recommend it" he said. I just hummed leaning my head on his shoulder as he pressed play.

                      Blasty pov.

"B-but she.....she co-uldnt hear an....and she....and she.....and he all malost died...." Ei cried into my chest. As much as he tried to hide it he was a big baby. "I know sad I said rubbing his back. "It's so fucking sad" he said hugging my tighter. "Mhmmm let's go to bed" I said getting up and picking up the boxes and heading to the kitchen throwing them away. I came back and the theater room was empty. I guess he went up. I went to find him on the bed blacked out. I signed walking into the closet and changing.

When I got into bed I could barely sleep I was so excited for tomorrow I got to spend the whole day with Ei plus I set up a super romantic date spot at the end.


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