(ch 3.)

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                    Kiri baby's pov.

I've been training with Aoi for two weeks and it's finally Friday which means her internship is coming to an end. She's actually really fun and her quirk is pretty awesome I'm glad I was able to show her that. Right now we're in the training room. Its walls are made out of a special metal that can withstand the most powerful quirks, it's the same used at the prison. Anywayyyyy we're not talking about the walls.

"Hey, red riot" "Yesss" "I wanted to say t-thanks....for everything I mean I got to intern with one of the best hero's and you taught me how to love my quirk and how awesome is. Plus thanks to you I have amazing new power moves" Aoi said excitedly. "You're welcome kido hey maybe when you graduate you can come work at my agency...maybe even be my sidekick I know tanker gonna want to be his own hero soon," I said smiling as I ruffled her hair.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't developed a soft spot for the kid. Plus I think she'd make an amazing sidekick. "Really? You'd consider letting me come here" "mhmm so when you're second years and getting recruited expect a letter from me," I said as we walked out of the training room.

"Wow, thanks....but can I ask something?" I just hummed and nodded. "Why did you pick me? I mean I didn't get that far in the sports festival and all" I was surprised she asked. "Well you know you're homeroom teacher Mr.Ojiro?" She just hummed in her bubbly tone. "Well, he was my classmate so when I asked him what student he thinks I should ask for my internship he recommended you"

"Wow really.... I'll remember to thank him basically everyone at U.A. knows him much I idolized you. And I think working with you was just the push I needed...plus you're way more awesome than I imagined."

I laughed "well I'm glad I met your expectations". We walked in silence. Not awkward though it was nice. Then Aoi broke the silence. "Thanks again for everything," she said as we are about to part ways. "Of course kid, I'll make sure to come to check on you and see how you've improved...in fact I'll ask Ojiro when I can stop by so you better work hard," I said ruffling her hair. "I will and I look forward to your visit I promise to work really hard." "Just don't overwork yourself"

"I won't". And with that, she was gone. I made a mental note to text Ojiro later and went up to my office to do some paperwork"

                     Blasty's pov.

The day was almost over. I couldn't wait to go home to Ei I know I sound soft right now but I had a long day and I just want his cuddles and kisses. I was packing up when Atsuko came into my office. I just glare at her and back to what I was doing.

"Wellll I came here because your assistant asked me to tell you that the Deku wanted to have a meeting with you tomorrow. Here's the official invite anyway" she said handing me a paper and leaning against the desk. I scan it quickly.

"Hmmm he's invited all the top ten hero's and their sidekicks sounds serious. Tell him we'll be there" I said stuffing the paper into my bag. "When is it?" She asked following me out the door. "Oh, it's next week something about a new gang sounds pretty serious if he's asking for all the top hero's help." I shrugged. "And you didn't even bother to read the whole thing? What more do expect from the Ground Zero" she said sarcastically.

"Oi, I've had a long day Lava girl". "For the last time, it's not lava girlllll" she fake pouted. "I know...I think it would have been a cool name get you a partner called water boy....water boy and lava girl" I laughed.

"Uggg anyway see you on Monday" "yea later lava girl". I got into my car and drove home. When I got home I notice Ei's car in the garage. Good I need me some cuddles. " babe I'm home" I shouted taking off my shoes. "Welcome home kitten" Ei placed a kiss on my nose. "How was your day?" He asked as we walked into the kitchen. "Tiering....what about yours?"

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