(ch 7.)

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                          Baku pov

Ei had been gone for 5 months now. I missed him from his red hair to his shing crimson eyes to his shark like smile that is brighter than the sun itself. I missed his goofy laugh and stupid jokes, his silly nicknames and little kisses for fucks sake I even miss his stupid ass crocs. And what makes it worse is I don't know if I'll see him again.

I made it my personal mission to captured that villan and make him bring my Ei back to me. That's all I focused on. I didn't realize how much I missed him. How much I need him. And every night I think of him crying myself to sleep. Most of the times I'd see the hurt look in his eyes, I couldn't get the image of him hurting out of my head. "Ei please come back to me I promise to love you and I'm ready I'll show the whole world your mine just please come back to me" I drifted off to sleep. Life I've done every night for the past month

My friends have been trying to cheer me up even though I know they miss him almost as much as I do. Even Reiko tried her best but as much as I loved all of them as much although I'd never tell them I do but right now I only wanted Ei. Nabi and Mina came over a lot since they we're the least busy. I haven't used my phone or watched TV because it's all over.

'red riot disappears',   
   'red riot jumped in the way saving ground zero but vanshed.'
    'Number #5 hero Red riot vanshed'.
  I was sick of it. I wanted to cry every second of the day. I hated this. I hated not being with him.
But we found out more about the villan his name was. Kurigen Misrule. He was thirty two right now. We had heros who's quirks were used specifically to track people the most I could do right now was continue my research. Until they were able to track him. I trained to get my mind of everything and for the past two weeks I haven't slept in our room it reminds me too much of him this whole house does. But every night before I sleep I say the same thing "Ei please come back to me I promise to love you and I'm ready I'll show the whole world your mine just please come back to me" so something similar to that. Hopping he could hear me.

"Hey Katsuki" Nabi's voice echoed though the living room as she stepped into the house to be honest she was one of the things keeping me from going completely depressed mode. "Hey" I shrugged as she walked in. "How you feeling have you eaten?" She asked sitting next to me on the couch. "Ha yes I have" looked away. After some silence I spoke up. I knew she didn't want to because most of time I liked the silence and I'm glad she respected that. "Do you think he's ok? I mean it's been a month." I sighed "Hey, I'm sure he's fine we're walking about the Manliest hero there his" she said trying to sound reassuring. "Yes your right... anyways to take my mind off things tell me how's life idk just talk to me." I turned to face her as she went on about her day.

".......SUKI......KATSUKI..... BAKUGOU KATSUKI" I opened my eyes to see a blob of pink above me. "Go away Pinky I'm sleeping" I turn pulling the covers over my head. "Nope you're taking me shopping" she pulled the blanket from me. "No the fuck I'm not ask your husband to take you" I whined trying to find the blanket without opening my eyes. "He's at work so let's go" suddenly I was pulled out of the bed I was sleeping in and fell on the ground with a loud thud. "I fucking hate you" I rubbed my head as the pink haired girl stood infront of me. "Ok now get changed and ready we leave in five" with what she left. I got up draging my feet to the bathroom to get ready.

"Thanks for the help." I Mina waves as I drove away from her and Sero's house they lived like three houses down the road. Gosh that pink ball of energy really made me spend a whole fucking day shopping. When I got home I sighed taking off my shoes and heading to the kitchen. On the way I stopped by the pool. I couldn't help by smile and go in. Putting my feet in the water thinking about how Ei loved to sit here like this. "I miss you" I said taking a deep breath. "Please come back" I looked at the water glaring at the ash blonde who was glaring back to me. I took out my phone and called. "Hey meet me at the park by my house" I said. "Ummmm ok I'll be there in five is everything ok?" I could hear the worry. "just hurry up" I hung up and walked upstairs to change out of my wet pants.

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