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It's been two days, he hasn't called.

The picture was pretty clear but I'm needing him to tell me there was some sort of a misunderstanding. I need him to tell me it was all a prank and that it meant nothing. Whatever lie he can come up with, I'll believe it. What I refuse to believe is that the love of my life cheated on me. My Ezra would never.

I wipe the tears off my cheeks for the umpteenth time this afternoon. I'm meeting up with the girls in a bit and I can't be a mess around them. I'd been avoiding them for the two days and I haven't seen them since Bruno Steiner's party. I know they're already suspecting something is wrong and I can't afford to have them asking me questions so I need to get myself together. I'm also in no mood to think of lies so I'm really hoping I'm not left in a situation where I have no choice but to.

Today I decided I need to go out, I need a distraction. I've been stuck in my room and I'm honestly tired of crying and waiting for him to call. That's why I'd texted Liz earlier. The girls have been going out every day since the summer break started and I know they have something planned.

'Whatever it is I'm in.' I'd texted Liz. I'm sure she found that odd as she usually has to force me to go out with them but I'm thankful she didn't ask any questions.

A car hooter sounds letting me know that she's here and I rush to take my bag and phone and then head outside.

"Hi stranger," she greets me dramatically, making me roll my eyes jokingly. It's only been over a week.

"Lizzie!" I then say excitedly going in for a hug. Seeing her brings warmth into my heart. She's one of the very few people whose simple presence calms me. She doesn't even have to say anything, she just had to be there. Ezra used to be on that list. I ignore my heart tightening at the thought.

I wish more than anything that I didn't have to lie to her, I hate that Ezra's put me in this position. Where I'm hurt and I want to talk to my best friend about it but I can't. I can't talk to anyone. Dad doesn't even know what's happening and Cody's just going to tell me, 'I told you so.'

So I have to swallow my feelings and hope that I'm going to be ok.

"It's been years girl, where are you hiding?" Again, dramatic.

"I've been recovering from our crazy weekend." I half lie. it's better than a complete lie, right?

"I know right? I only went back to get my car like two days ago. Bruno and them had a mini party we went to. It was where that Ezra guy kissed that girl."

I beg my heart to calm down.

"Oh. Yea that was everywhere." I hope that didn't come out high pitched.

"Yea, I think they like dating now or something. At least that's what the tabloids are saying." I've been staying away from the media because of exactly that.

"That's cool. I heard he wasn't seeing anyone for a while." That's what the world thought anyways.

As we continue driving to wherever she's taking me, I decide I'm not going to let this burden me anymore. Clearly he doesn't care about me enough to even give me an explanation. Even a break-up text would've been better than silence. If he doesn't care then why should I?

We're now nearing the beach and I look at Liz in confusion. I'm not wearing beach clothing.

She must see my frustration because she laughs and then says, "Don't worry. I got you."

We park the car and she gives me a two-piece swimsuit to put on and I now get why she didn't tell me where we were going. Liz is not a fan of my not liking to show too much skin and she's not afraid to show it. She knew I would've brought shorts and a vest had she told me we were going to the beach, I definitely would not have worn a bikini.

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