Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Eddie walked through the living room to find his mom sitting in a chair waiting for him.

"Eddie. Where were you?" his mom searched his face and she had a strict, cold voice.

"Mommy I'm sorry. I lost track of time and I know we had an agreement, but-" Eddie looked down at his feet. The truth was, he wanted to stay at the quarry with Richie for a while longer. Talking with him was different somehow than talking with the others.

"You're right Eddie bear. We did have an agreement. You said you would be home everyday at 7:00. You disobeyed just so you could stay in our driveway and talk to that Richie boy and you shouldn't spend more time with him than you already do. He's a terrible influence," his mom said.

"Richie is fine. Don't talk about him that way! He's a great friend and doesn't make me do anything I don't want to. He doesn't make me smoke or anything! He barely even smokes at all! He's one of my best friends!" Eddie exclaimed, surprised at his own confidence. He never spoke to his mom like this. What was it that she said that had made him so upset?

"Talking back I see. Should we say a week's worth at home for that? And once that week is up you will come home everyday at 5:30 instead until further notice," Sonia said in a cold harsh voice.

"Mommy no! Please not 5:30! It will never happen again okay? I'm sorry!" Eddie protested.

"No Eddie bear. This is your punishment. You can go to your room now. I will call you for dinner and your medicine," she said pointing up the stairs. Eddie ran to his room. He had to find a way to get out of this. A whole week of summer was wasted. He couldn't stay locked up in his room!

After his mom went to bed, Eddie went to the phone and called Richie. It rang 5 times before he answered.

"Hello?" Richie said.

"Richie? It's me Eddie. I need to talk to you," Eddie whispered. If he was too loud, his mom would hear. Then he really would be in trouble.

"Yeah? What's wrong is everything okay?" Richie said worriedly.

"Yeah everything's fine but my mom said I couldn't see you guys for a week because I was late. She's keeping me locked up in the house! She saw us talking outside tonight. Also, she said I have to come home everyday at 5:30 from now on," Eddie said. He sounded close to tears. Eddie's friends were more of a family than his mom was so being away from them was torture. A week suddenly felt like a year.

"Whoa whoa Eddie. It'll be okay. Man, your mom is really pissed. I'm sorry. I swear, the next time I see her I'm breaking up with her." Richie joked. "Hang on one sec. I'll call you back," Richie said. He hated hearing Eddie like this.

"Wait! Richie? Richie?" Eddie whisper-shouted. Richie was off the phone. Guess he would have to wait by the phone for Richie to call back. Richie called him a few minutes later.

"Eddie you there?" Richie asked.

"Yeah I'm here,"

"Listen. I'm going to come over right now and take you to my house. My parents aren't home tonight so you'll be fine. Pack up some things for the night. I'll be there in 10," Richie said and hung up before Eddie could say anything. Eddie couldn't do that. His mom wouldn't let him see the losers for at least a month for this. She probably wouldn't let him see Richie ever again and he couldn't live with that. What was he thinking?! For some unknown reason, Eddie got up and got out a bag. He started putting clothes in it. He couldn't believe he was doing this! This was the first time Eddie had ever snuck out.

Eddie was packed and waited by his window for an hour before giving up on it. He flopped onto his bed hopelessly. Where was he? Richie was known for his pranks but surely he wouldn't stoop this low. Right? Eddie knew Richie wasn't one to break promises. What if something bad happened to him? Eddie fell asleep with thoughts like these running through his mind.

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