Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Eddie's mom was already there. No need to call her. She ran into the building and stormed up to Eddie.

"Sonia. We need to talk." Melissa said. Doug and Lyla were there as well. Eddie stood behind all of them as if they were a shield.

"Give. Me. My. Son." she said slowly.

"Sonia. We heard what happened. You will not be getting your son back. Hitting and abusing is NEVER okay. We called the Child Protective Services. They will decide what happens right now.

CPS got to the station quickly. It was a long process. It all took over the course of two weeks to get everything together. Eddie didn't get to see his friends at all during that time. He called Richie once but that was it. They talked to Sonia for a long time. They talked to the police for a long time. They talked to Eddie for a long time too. They decided that Eddie would be taken away from Sonia.

They took custody over Eddie and took it to court. Lots of papers were signed and Eddie was no longer Sonia's son. Eddie was NOT sad about it. He was mad. He was really upset too. Eddie did love his mom but she didn't deserve him. She was mad too. She didn't even want Eddie after how he acted towards her and especially that he was what she would call a disgrace and "sick".

Over the next few days Eddie had gotten together all of his things. He felt weird packing up all of his things in front of his own mom. She didn't say a word to him and it seemed like she was avoiding him. Once it was time for Eddie to leave, she barely even said goodbye. She gave him an awkward hug. Eddie still felt cold towards her but he knew he might not see her again so he cooperated. He said bye and walked out of the house. There was someone waiting to get him. He was going to an orphanage. Eddie really didn't like this part. He didn't know anyone and worst of all, he wasn't able to visit Richie or any of the others. He got in the car and looked out the window sadly. He cried all the way there. What would happen to him? Richie was really upset too. He missed Eddie more than anything ever before. He thought that he might love him. Eddie was thinking the same thing.

"Can I make a call when we get there?" Eddie asked quietly.

"I don't know. I think you'll be able to but I'm only driving," the guy replied honestly.

"Thank you. It means a lot that you're doing this for me," Eddie tried to sound upbeat and happy but inside he felt upset and so sad he thought he might die.

"Hey no problem kid. I hope things work out for you," they were there now. Eddie got out and grabbed his stuff. He went in and found his room. There was one other room in it and a dingy bathroom. The room was really dirty. It was dark and cold too. These were not the living conditions he was used to. He did find a phone though and called Richie right away.

"Hello?" Richie answered.

"Richie? It's me. I just got here and I can't stay here. It's cold, dark, and really dirty." Eddie fought back more tears.

"Oh Eddie I'm so sorry. It must be awful. I wish I could fix everything for you," Richie said sadly.

"I miss you."

"Eddie, I miss you more than I've ever missed anything in my whole life," Richie replied.

"I don't know when I'll see you again," this hurt Eddie's heart to say.

"I know that we'll see each other again. I wouldn't ever let you stay there. I'd go crazy," Richie tried to joke around.

"Richie I have to go. I should settle in and I'm tired. I'll try to call tomorrow,"

"I... I love you Ed's." Eddie couldn't believe that!

"I love you too," Eddie cried.

"Have a good night babe," Richie said.

"Did you just call be "babe"?"

"Yes," Richie laughed and hung up. Eddie felt better than before now. He cleaned up a bit and went to bed. The next morning he had a visitor. It was Melissa.

"Hi Eddie! How is it going? I just wanted to help you settle in and I had an idea that I hope you'll be okay with,"

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