Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

Eddie's birthday was in a week and Richie wanted to make it as special as possible. He wanted to create something memorable for Eddie since they had had a somewhat traumatic year. Although Richie would need help. He wanted to take him to a small and sweet place that was romantic. He also wanted to take him to dinner. Richie knew Eddie wouldn't want a fancy or big ordeal for his birthday so he knew exactly what to do. He called on the other Losers for help. Fortunately, Eddie was on a weekend trip with his parents as an early gift since they would have to work on his actual birthday. He met them all at the clubhouse and they started to plan.

"Alright guys. I know Eddie doesn't want something super fancy. I had a few ideas in mind and wanted to see what you guys thought," Richie explained.

"Okay. What are they?" Stanley asked.

"Well, I wanted to take him to that cliff that shows the ocean and put a bunch of pillows and blankets and snacks in the back of my car and we could watch the sunset. I was thinking I could put some fairy lights or something in it and hang up a bunch of pictures of us together. Then, maybe we could have a moonlit picnic dinner and look at the stars," Richie told them his idea excitedly. He had been planning it out for months.

"Oh Richie! That sounds so nice! Eddie would love that." Bev exclaimed.

"W-wow Richie, I didn't know you were such a r-romantic," Bill smirked.

"Thanks guys! I might need some help though. I want it to be a surprise so when we're driving over there, I don't want him to suspect a thing. I think maybe a path of candles or something would be cool too," Richie added.

"I think that would be so amazing! We could tell him you were going to the quarry to hang out with us to surprise him maybe?" Mike suggested.

"Oh yeah that sounds good. I would say we were taking a different route because of traffic or something," Richie said.

"We could help you set it up too! I know I have some pictures of you guys that I took and we could help get the snacks and stuff," Ben said happily.

"And I'm pretty sure I have pictures too. I also probably have some lights from Christmas too," Bev added. The group continued to plan for the rest of the day and by the time Eddie came back the next day, they had everything figured out. They were all so excited but Richie was the most. Eddie didn't suspect a thing either which made it all the more perfect.

On his birthday, the losers all gave them their gifts except for Richie, who didn't go over to see him at all because he was getting everything ready. He hoped Eddie wouldn't be upset. Eddie was upset though. He thought that maybe Richie had forgotten his birthday or just was too busy. Eddie was happy to see his friends but after they left, he went up to his room and didn't come out the rest of the day. He felt so sad and cried. Richie was the most important thing in his life and he had left him on his birthday.

Meanwhile, Richie was setting up the car and making the picnic. He set up a path of rose petals and candles that led to the picnic. He clipped pictures of them on his car and put pillows and blankets in the back. Once everything was ready, it was around 4:30 in the afternoon. He started to drive over to Eddie's house and knocked on the door. Eddie opened the door and seemed surprised that Richie was there. Eddie's eyes were still red.

"Eddie? Are you okay?" Richie asked quietly. Eddie sniffed and said,

"Y-yeah... what are you doing here?"

"I'm coming to pick you up! We're going to meet the losers down at the quarry and I thought we could take a different way. I found a faster way to get there so if we hurry, we can probably have some time to ourselves," Richie winked and flashed his charming smile. Eddie couldn't resist that smile.

"I didn't know we were going today. Okay let's go." They got in the car and Richie started driving to the cliff overlooking the ocean.

"This way is much faster I promise. It doesn't look like it, but it is," Richie said, holding Eddie's hand. Eddie didn't feel sad anymore.

"I believe you. I love you Richie,"

"I love you too Ed's," Richie parked at the cliff edge. The sun was about to set. He opened the back and covered Eddie's eyes gently.

"Just follow me," he walked Eddie to the back and picked him up. Eddie laughed as he set him down in the back. Eddie opened his eyes and Richie hopped in next to him. Eddie gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. He took his time looking through the pictures and looked out at the ocean.

"Happy birthday Ed's," RIchie whispered in his ears. There were happy tears in Eddie's eyes and he grabbed onto Richie's shirt and kissed him passionately. Richie was surprised. Eddie had never kissed him like this before. He kissed back and enjoyed the moment.

"Thank you!" Eddie exclaimed happily.

"No, thank you Eddie. Thank you for being my boyfriend. Thank you for everything," Richie replied. They watched the sun set with their arms wrapped around each other. After the sun had set, Riche grabbed Eddie's hand and led him to the path he had created.

"Richie where are we going?" Eddie giggled and blushed.

"You'll see," Richie said, trying to sound mysterious. The sky was a dark blue and stars were starting to appear. Richie had Eddie close his eyes once more as he lit the candles.

"You can open your eyes Ed's," Richie said. He opened them and his face lit up. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh Richie!" Eddie blushed happily. Richie was waiting at the end of the path, holding a rose and a card. Eddie walked down the lit up path taking in the moment. Richie held out the rose to him and gave him the card. Eddie read it silently with a huge grin on his face.

Dear Ed's,

You are the love of my life Eddie. You make me so happy, I don't even know what to do with myself. Every time I see your beautiful face, I get butterflies in my stomach and my face flushes red. You're the most important person in my life and I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I love every single thing about you. Your pretty eyes, freckles, hair, nose, EVERYTHING. I love how kind you are and how cute you are. When you kiss me, it's like I'm in a whole different world where only you and I exist. You're so fricking hot Ed's and I think you're perfect. I want to be with you forever and hope that someday, our lives will be perfect together. I love you with all my heart and hope that you are having the most amazing birthday.

Always and forever yours,


Eddie once again, had tears streaming down his face with joy. He lept into Richie's arms and didn't let go for minutes on end. They swayed slightly and let go.

"Come sit with me Ed's," Richie sat down on the blanket and started getting out their food. He sat down next to Richie and looked up at the stars.

"I never want to leave this moment Rich. You've made it perfect," Eddie said softly. Richie handed Eddie a sandwich.

"I know this isn't an extravagant dinner or anything, but..." Richie said.

"I wouldn't want it any other way," Eddie smiled. They ate together and watched the stars. After a while, they cuddled up next to each other and stayed like that for hours.

"Happy birthday Eddie," Richie whispered into his ear.

"Thank you so much Rich," Eddie whispered back. 

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