Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty Four

Eddie awoke with a start. He saw Oliver sleeping on the other side of the room. Eddie grabbed his phone to check the time. It was a weekend so he could sleep in. Although Eddie didn't even see the time because he had so many notifications. So many. From people he didn't even know. He opened one of them up and a video popped up. There it was. Oliver kissing Eddie. On the internet. For anyone to see. There were a bunch of people DMing him and Snapchatting him about it. Eddie dreaded the day to come. He was calling Richie later that day and he could have very well seen the video by now. It had over 10,000 views.

Eddie slogged through the day, not talking to Oliver and ignoring the whispering and pointing people were doing. It was time to call Richie. The phone rang a few times and Richie picked up. He didn't look or sound happy. They facetimed so they could see each other.



"Rich, I know why you're upset. Just give me a chance to explain things because it's definitely not what it looks like," Eddie said desperately.

"Okay. Explain. Please. I want to know what that video is about and why it happened," Richie said coldly.

"I-I went to a party last night. It was really fun and I even made some new friends but then, Oliver found me and stuck to me the whole night. I went to get a drink to try and get away from him but he found me. A guy was taking a video of the party and just happened to walk by. Th-then, Oliver...kissed me. It was so sudden Richie. I didn't know what to do. I tried Richie. I tried so hard to pull away from him but he wouldn't let me go. I ran out of the party and up to my bed but he followed. I told him that wasn't okay and I had a boyfriend. I told him that he was wrong for doing it. Richie, I didn't want anything to do with it!" Eddie explained. A tear fell down his cheek.

"Eddie, when I saw that, my heart dropped. I cried. I-I don't know what to do. Eddie, I know you didn't mean for that to happen. But, that's the thing. Oliver found you and liked you after only a week into the year. Other people might try things like that too. Or more than just a kiss. It could happen to me too. I don't want it to but it's likely. Even if you say you have a boyfriend, they might not care, like Oliver. I don't know what will happen during this year or coming years but..." Richie said quietly.

"But what?" Eddie could barely talk. He knew what was coming before it came.

"But... I don't think it would be good to have it happen again and hurt our relationship again."

"What.... What are you saying," Eddie said sadly.

"I think we need to... I think we need to break up Eddie," Richie cried. There were tears streaming down both of their faces now.

"Richie, I won't let it happen again. I don't want anything to do with any of these people here. I only want you," Eddie said.

"I know Eddie. I know you wouldn't let it happen, but it still could. I just don't want us to get into fights or conflicts because of it. I think Eddie, it's better this way. I d-don't want it to be this w-way. I love you Ed's," Richie's voice trembled.

"I-I love you too Rich," Eddie sobbed.

"I think we'll be better off this way Ed's," Richie cried and hung up. Eddie was shocked for a second. Like it didn't happen. He couldn't take it in. They had been through everything together and now, they were over. Eddie ran. He ran all the way across the campus and to his bed. He locked the door and cried. Eddie cried all night. He didn't get out of bed once. He put off his homework and skipped all of his classes the next day. Oliver didn't say one thing to him. Liliana came in once to see what was wrong but Eddie pretended to be asleep. Eddie was devastated. His heart was broken. He didn't think he could be okay without Richie in his life so he put off classes for days on end. His homework piled up. He cried and cried.

Back in Maine, Richie's heart was broken too. He didn't talk to anyone for days. He sat in his room and watched tv. He listened to sad songs that made him cry his heart out. He ate ice cream and candy. Richie continued to stay this way. Until one day, he decided to get back on his feet. He went out with his friends and stayed on top of his school work. He tried hard to be happy and not think too much about Eddie but everything he saw brought him back to Eddie.

Eddie got out of his sad state after a week. He started to hang out with Dina and Liliana and they introduced him to more people. He got a bunch of friends and they kept him mostly joyful. Both of them cried often though. They would never get over each other. They were too in love.

The school year continued and soon, it was winter break. Richie and Eddie were both doing better but still got sad occasionally. Eddie had decent grades and went home with a good report card. Eddie didn't know what to expect at home. His parents were loving and caring as always. They already knew about the break up and didn't mention it. They decorated the house and Eddie met up with the losers on Christmas Eve. They were all happy to see each other and then, Richie. The losers had invited Richie since they wanted them to get back together. Eddie had promised himself to not see Richie once during break but here he was, within feet of him. What was going to happen, no one knew.

Hi guys! There's only one chapter left after this one but I really hope you're enjoying the story. This chapter was kinda sad but I think you'll like the next one! ;) 

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