Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Richie slowly got to his feet. He brushed himself off and started walking towards his bike. He got on his bike and his head felt like it was splitting open. It hurt so bad he could barely see. He tried to peddle but immediately fell to the ground. It was obvious Richie wasn't going to be able to get home by himself. So he did the only thing he could think of: he walked to Eddie's house and knocked on the door.

"Hello Richie," Sonia opened the door and let him in reluctantly.

"Hi Mrs. K." Richie gave a big smile in hopes of winning her over. He knew exactly how Sonia felt about him.

"How can I help you?" she asked as Eddie walked downstairs.

"Hi Richie! What're you doing here?" he asked. His eyes still looked puffy.

"I umm... well I can't ride my bike home. My head hurts too badly. I was wondering..." Richie said quietly. He had no idea how Mrs. K would react.

"Oh so you need a ride home? Mommy please! He needs help!" Eddie asked his mom.

"Oh alright. But it'll have to be quick," she gristled.

"C'mon Rich let's go to the car so you can sit down," Eddie said walking down the hall towards the garage.

"Okay thanks Ed's,"

"Don't call me that," Eddie said as he led Richie to the car. They got in the car and waited for Sonia to come out.

"Hey thanks for taking me home... I would but my head hurts so bad I can barely see," Richie said and put his head in his hands.

"No problem. I mean, my mom probably thinks it's a problem but she thinks lots of things are problems," Eddie shrugged.

"Yeah I can tell. She doesn't like me much anyways so this probably doesn't help. Richie said quietly. His head hurt too much to even joke around. Eddie could see this too. He felt so bad for Richie. Although he was glad he got to take him home since he was on lockdown and couldn't see any of his friends. Sonia came out and they drove to Richie's house.

"Are your parents home Richie?" Sonia asked. Richie suddenly had an idea but it definitely wouldn't work unless he lied.

"Oh. Yeah. They just sleep really late which is why there aren't any lights on," he lied easily. Richie was a pro at lying. "Um Mrs. K, I had a question for you,"


"Well. Beverly, Stanley, Mike, Ben, and Bill are coming over to my house later for a sleepover and well... I hoped Eddie could come too. We're going to watch movies and play games and stuff so it'll be super lowkey and stuff. Would it be okay if Eddie came? I mean I know he's being punished but could you let him come over please?" Richie said in a pitiful and sad voice. He knew how to get what he wanted too.

"No. I'm sorry. He's being punished and missing out on things like this is part of it," Sonia said.

"Oh but mommy please? Richie's hurting right now and could use a friend! I would add on a few extra days to my lockdown and do the chores around the house too! You know I would never be late again!" Eddie pleaded.

"Well, I suppose you can. You will have to come home by lunch tomorrow and we'll add on another 2 days to your lockdown. Also, you'll need your clothes and medication," Sonia reasoned.

"Thank you! Can we drop Richie off and we can go back real quick to get my things?" Eddie asked. He looked to Richie to see if this would be okay too. He nodded. Sonia agreed surprisingly. They dropped off Richie and got Eddie's stuff.

"Eddie you must not sleep next to Richie or Beverly tonight. They are bad influences and you hang out with them enough as it is. You will also be back by 12:00 tomorrow," Sonia said.

"Yes mommy. Now can we please go! I don't want to be late! Thank you for letting me go over. It's really nice of you!" Eddie said kindly.

"Of course Eddie bear," Sonia patted his cheek. Eddie got to Richie's soon and went inside.

None of the losers were there though.

"Richie where is everyone else?" Eddie asked.

"Oh well, I just told them about it. See I came up with the idea just now and they didn't know about it until now either."

"Oh okay then. And your parents aren't home are they?" Eddie smirked.

"No obviously not," Richie rolled his eyes. HIs head was already beginning to feel better.

The others got to Richie's house an hour later and immediately fussed over Richie's injuries.

"Oh my god RICHIE! What happened to you?" Beverly cried.

"I um... ran into Bowers last night. I was umm... just riding my bike around. He beat me up pretty bad," Richie didn't want the other losers to know he was going to Eddie's house yet. He didn't know if Eddie wanted them to know about his punishment. So he looked to Eddie and with his eyes, asked if he could tell. Eddie nodded.

"Oh that's AWFUL! I'm so sorry Richie!" Bev sat down on the couch next to him and put her arm around him. For some reason this annoyed Eddie slightly. Why would that annoy him though? Bev and Richie had been friends and done stuff like this before and it never mattered to him.

"Man that sucks. We should go and take Bowers down. He needs to pay for what he did to you Rich," Mike said. He was already thinking of ways to "get" Bowers.

"No, I don't think we should. As much as I would like to, I think we should just lay low for a while," Richie said flopping over on the couch. The losers had never seen Richie like this. It was unsettling.

"Wait, Richie, why were you riding your bike so late?" Stanley asked. He was always trying to figure everything out.

"Oh umm... well that's kind of my fault," Eddie said, choking up again. He couldn't bear to think that what Bowers did was his fault.

"Eddie it was NOT your fault! I chose to come over. I was upset about what happened with your mom and I didn't want to leave you there that's all. It was completely my choice," Richie exclaimed. He didn't want Eddie to blame himself for this.

"What happened? I'm confused," Ben wondered.

"Um, after you guys left the quarry a few days ago, me and Richie stayed behind to talk for a bit. We lost track of time and I was late getting home. My mom saw me and Richie saying goodbye in the driveway and she got mad because I was really late. She said I was under lockdown for a week and couldn't see you guys at all. She also said that I would have to be home everyday by 5:30 instead of 7:00. I called Richie last night and told him all of this and he said he was coming over to take me to his house but on the way he ran into Bowers and well you know the rest," Eddie said quickly. It felt good to get all that off his chest but he still felt this was partially his fault.

"Wow th...that's really bad. I-I'm sorry Richie," Bill said, patting Richie on the back. Everyone sympathized for Richie because they knew how awful Bowers was. They started a movie and got popcorn and soda. Richie suddenly had a thought and called to Bev.

"Hey Bev? Can I talk to you for a second in the bedroom?" Richie said quietly so everyone could still hear the movie. The only one who seemed interested in what he said was Eddie. He looked over at them and watched them walk upstairs.

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